I don’t believe atheists exist.

I’m serious.

Saying, “I don’t believe in God” is easy.

Believing there is no God is difficult.

Atheists are intellectual contortionists.

They twist words like “faith”, “belief”, “design, “science”, and “religion” into meaningless blobs.

They demand evidence for truth that rational people just assume.

Ultimately, this is what caused Anthony Flew to finally concede that God exists.

“…By far, the heaviest challenge to [atheism] came from America. The modal logician Alvin Plantinga introduced the idea that theism is a properly basic belief. He asserted that belief in God is similar to belief in other basic truths, such as belief in other minds or perception (seeing a tree) or memory (belief in the past). In all these instances, you trust your cognitive faculties, although you cannot prove the truth of the belief in question. Similarly, people take certain propositions (e.g., the existence of the world) as basic and others as derivative from these basic propositions. Believers, it is argued, take the existence of God as a basic proposition.” – Anthony Flew, There Is A God

Atheists push Christians around for our unsupported “faith in God”.

It’s time Christians start pushing back.

  • Atheists possess unsupported faith in logic.
  • Atheists possess unsupported faith in their senses.
  • Atheists possess unsupported faith in history.
  • Atheists possess unsupported faith in reason.
  • Atheists possess unsupported faith in science.

So the assertion that atheists are purely informed by “evidence” is…


Atheists try to hover in philosophical limbo denying they hold any “beliefs” about God.

They’ll even assert that atheism is not a “belief” but a “lack of belief”.

Intellectual contortionists, remember?

Atheism remains a belief even after they’ve mangled the word.

For an idea of the ferocity of atheist faith, read this NYT article.

Why would the atheists exert such effort to help Anthony Flew maintain a simple “lack of belief”?

(In Richard Carrier’s letters to Flew, he sounded like a Baptist grandmother pleading with her gay grandson.)

Stuff like this is why I say two things with absolute confidence.

  1. Atheists don’t exist
  2. Atheists won’t admit it.

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5 Responses

  1. “In all these instances, you trust your cognitive faculties……”

    Bahahaha! If there is one thing we should not place our faith in, it is our own cognitive faculties.

    I love the bible, “your heart is wicked, who can know it” and also, “lean not into your own understanding,” because “there is way that seems right to a man…” Basically all reminders that we should not be worshiping at the altar of our own understanding.

    Atheists are actually figments of their own imagination. I’ve never seen any cross referenced data that proves their existence.

    1. It is tough figuring out how much trust we should afford our cognitive faculties. On the one hand, we can’t find God by reason alone. On the other hand, blind faith leads to many inconsistent conclusions.

  2. Atheists have another problem. Since most, if not all, are also naturalists, they cannot trust their own cognitive faculties to know whether they exist or not. Since natural selection is not based on truth but survivability, there is no reason for them to know the truth about anything, including themselves.

  3. You say Atheists don’t exist. I say the same, and I think I have figured out why. I have defined atheist so that it means “Atheist” and then followed the logic to see what a consistent and logical atheist would actually believe. I came up with 15 CORE beliefs of consistent Atheism- their Tenets of Faith.
    See that here: https://youtu.be/3nPUUbQlji0
    And what you quickly discover, not only from the Tenets of Orthodox Atheism themselves, but also from the replies I get from “Atheists” is that Orthodox, consistent Atheism is SO STUPID and OBVIOUSLY false that NO ONE will admit to believing it unless they are a professional, as seen on TV atheist (and even they have to work hard to make themselves say some of these ridiculous things out loud.)
    When you say “Atheism has no foundation for morality” what some of these people hear is, “You are less moral than I am.” What we are actually saying is, “You are not evil enough to live as an atheist. You are sane enough to want people to live like Christians.” When you say above that Atheists don’t exist, some people will think you are being sarcastic or mean, but I know that what you are actually saying is, “None of you are STUPID enough to really believe what Atheism teaches.”
    You reject the existence of Atheists for the same reason I do- as cynical as we are, we still hold out hope that these people are not as stupid, evil, and insane as they are claiming to be when they call themselves “Atheists.” They are in fact, better than they believe. By rejecting the existence of “atheists”, you and I are actually saying we think better of these people than they do of themselves.
    In the words of Rich Mullins, “Ain’t no body so bad that the Lord can’t save um.”
    On the internet, I think that is what passes for “Hope.”

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