Season of Bitter Babblers
This season is filled with traditions. One of my favorites is watching people who hate God as they struggle to say something meaningful. While you can’t always have a white Christmas, you can count on the Humanists, Atheists, and Progressive Christians to provide a blizzard of babble. The God-Haters attempt to draw a distinction between […]
Never Stop Being Right
Because church people generally don’t read the Bible or use any critical thinking skills, the modern-day false teachers have successfully persuaded large numbers of Christians to give up being right. Thousands of alleged Christ-followers have been duped into believing that correct theology makes Jesus sad. “John, you jerk! We’re supposed to speak truth in love!!! […]
Influence of Underwear
The NBA has recently partnered with Kim Kardashian to promote her SKIMS brand of underwear. “I am incredibly proud of SKIMS partnership with the NBA, as it is a reflection of SKIMS growing influence on culture,” Kardashian said. “Together, SKIMS and the NBA will connect people of all backgrounds through fashion, sport, and talent, and […]
Trunk or Truth
Suggestion for next year’s church Trunk-Or-Treat that will be the talk of the town: Start by filling the parking lot with vehicles decorated by enthusiastic church folks, eager to interact with the public for the sake of leading families to Jesus. Each car should have a large supply of treats. Treats must be edible! No […]
Rapid Gospel
Here’s an example of why we should be careful about our literal interpretations of biblical words. God’s Word gives us the eyewitness account of history. He never lies (Titus 1:2) so we can trust his Word to give us the true history of earth, the universe, and the gospel. Mark 1:21 tells us, “And they […]
Don’t Forget The Lord
I woke up this morning because God saw fit to lend me consciousness for another day. I don’t have the strength, wisdom, or skill to rouse myself from sleep. All night long my lungs filled the blood in my veins with oxygen and my heart pumped that blood to every one of the trillions of […]
My Beef With Answers in Genesis
Some people have asked me why I’m criticizing Answers in Genesis (and specifically, Ken Ham). I’ll explain what annoys me about AiG which will clear up all the confusion and put me back in fellowship with everybody. HahahahahahaHAAAAhahaha… To be clear, the Bible’s use of the terms ‘evening’ and ‘morning’ can absolutely be interpreted as […]
I Believe In Evolution
As a Christian, I believe God created the heavens and the Earth. I believe God is directly responsible for everything that exists in the Universe. I believe His power sustains every aspect of reality. I believe nothing happens apart from His perfect will. …I also believe in evolution. And I believe, despite my clearly stated […]
There Was Never Nothing
It was a weird day when an atheist taught me creation theology. I didn’t expect a person who openly denies God’s existence would have any useful insight into the origins of the universe but in a single 72 hour day, a devout pagan helped me understand the truthfulness of scripture. After a loooooooong exchange about […]
Don’t Start Discerning Now!
Remember when you told me that Christians aren’t to judge? You insisted that we’re called to unconditional love and you posted a bunch of scripture to support your position. Remember that? I do. As the Middle East spins into chaos, you’re not allowed to call it ‘chaos.’ You can’t call it ‘tragic’ or ‘heart-breaking’ or […]