What’s Your Problem With Cults?

Some atheist described Christianity as a death cult. The god-haters do stuff like this because they are joyless, empty souls who only want to drag other people into their misery. By God’s grace, I am immune to their toxic rhetoric and occasionally I engage these creatures in conversation because bringing light into darkness fills my […]

Blame the Patient

photo of woman lying in hospital bed

Suppose you fell out of the bleachers at a sports arena, landed on the dirt track and were run over by a monster truck (it could happen). Thankfully, you survived and were told that after a few weeks of physical therapy, you would not only recover but be in better shape than before the accident. […]

Graduate Doesn’t Know What ‘Banned’ Means.

If you’re still undecided about the effectiveness of secular education, look no further than the Idaho Fine Arts Academy which recently graduated a student who doesn’t understand the definition of the word ‘banned,’ demonstrating her mastery of the core principle of secularism. During the graduation ceremony, as she was receiving her diploma, the student tried […]

Will Your Kid Get Stung?

top view of bees putting honey

I heard a tale from a Christian person that might be of interest to other Christian people who are still trying to decide whether or not to send their kids to public school. The tale goes: Once there was a Christian couple who educated their child at home. This family thought homeschooling was the best […]

God Is Omniresponsible

lightning strike during nighttime

WARNING: Awkward theological concept to follow. Every analogy falls apart when applied to the infinite Creator of the cosmos so there WILL be misunderstandings. If you believe that God is all-powerful (omnipotent, sovereign, etc.) then consider this a ‘heads-up’ from a brother who shares your belief. Claiming that God is the ultimate authority over the […]

I Don’t Have My Own Truth

Had a face-to-face conversation with a real live person who believes religion is a huge problem. I told this person (face-to-face) that everybody holds some philosophical ideas which constitute a ‘religion.’ I told him (face-to-face) that he holds religious views, even if he chooses to call them something else. He was a bit annoyed and […]

Empowerment Comes from Others

I’m hearing women talk about empowerment and before I say some stuff that will undoubtedly be interpreted as anti-women, I want to say, for the record, that I understand why some of you ladies feel compelled to seek power. You’ve been indoctrinated to believe that power is a matter of will. You were taught that […]

Send Money to Stamp Out Indoctrination!

Across the ocean in the United Kingdom, a group of Humanists have committed themselves to stamping out discrimination and indoctrination in education. One particularly plucky pagan has setup an online fundraising page to collect money to be used in irradicating indoctrination. I hope you Humanists give sacrificially to this important cause. Ending religious bias should […]

Scouting Is Not For Everyone

The Boy Scouts of America is an organization for boys that also welcomes non-boys so it’s not surprising that they decided to drop the word “boy” from their name. The organization will be calling themselves, “Scouting America,” which (according to their website), “reflects the continuing efforts to welcome everyone to experience the benefits of Scouting.” Everyone?!! EVERYONE?!!!! LOL! What about the people […]

Who Needs Rain When We Have Garden Hoses?

splash of water

I don’t think we need rain anymore. Water comes right out of faucets and showerheads now. Bottles full of water are available at gas stations, grocery stores, and vending machines. We don’t have to wait for precipitation to fall from the sky. Whenever we need H20, it’s at our fingertips. We just turn a handle! […]


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