I know you’re enjoying all of the good things the global pandemic has afforded you. But all good things must come to an end.
You’ve enjoyed the status of “essential personal”. It is the recognition you deserve. The world finally acknowledges what you’ve known for years – you’re special and important. You matter more than me. Civilization can survive if I never leave the house again but without you, everything unravels. You’re brave. You’re amazing. You’re vital. I could spend the rest of my life extolling your merits but all good things must come to an end.
You’ve probably saved someone’s life. That’s been the goal all along. Every precaution is justified if it “saves just one life.” Every mistake is “worth it if it saves just one life.” No price is too great to “save just one life.” You advocate any sacrifice to “save just one life.” So I’ve stayed home. I’ve suspended my life (because I’m not essential.) I have followed your advice and “put people over profits.” All because of you! Go ahead and take credit for those saved lives. You deserve a trophy and maybe you’ll get one if you allow the trophy factory employees go back to work. That’s what I’m telling you. All good things must come to an end.
I know you’re enjoying the quarantine but sadly, it’s time to end it. I need to go back to work. I’m afraid (and this is NOT a criticism of your pristine character because as I said before you’re awesome, wonderful, noble, and essential) you’ve developed a blind spot. You’re so busy “saving just one life” that you’ve missed the glaring hypocrisy in your pandemic protocol.
I am “just one life.”
Your “essential” status does not grant you omniscience. You are not qualified to decide who lives and who dies. If it “saves just one life” then you should celebrate sending millions of people back to work. When you object to ending the quarantine, you’re killing people.
You’re still getting paid. You’re not making the same sacrifice you’re demanding of me. And you’re taking all the bows for being compassionate. That’s fine. I don’t need to be applauded for my virtues. I need to go back to work. This pandemic is a mountain top experience for you, but it’s time to come down.
Take heart! Your self importance doesn’t have to end. It is certain that some people will die from COVID-19 and you can use those deaths to shame me for sticking my head outside my house. You can cleanse the blood from your hands by wiping them on me. That’s fine. I may not be essential but I’m resilient.
It’s time to let me go back to work. Your sanctimonious, hypocritical, privileged doctrine of “stay home” is ruining lives. I don’t expect you to admit it but I insist you stop it.
FOLLOW-UP POST HERE: https://johnbranyan.com/before-you-believe-what-theyre-saying/
83 Responses
I turned on the notifications to see when people commented and lived to regret that decision.
I’ve read the worst of the worst from people. The ability to attack someone from safely behind a computer screen was too tempting. It made people boldly declare the evil in their hearts.
It painfully reminded me that human beings are utterly depraved and the ones who think they are good, are the worst of all.
It’s too depressing.
Take heart, Fancy!
God in his goodness has made it abundantly clear where the battle line between Light and Dark is drawn.
It IS depressing, in a lot of ways. But it’s also encouraging that it doesn’t take a scientist to identify the fruit on all of these trees…
Some are producing joy, peace, and patience. While others are OBVIOUSLY rotten to the core. There’s no need to wonder which side of the orchard we should be picking from. 🙂 God is still leading, even now.
You selfish piece of shit! The world is not all about you. I understand we are all having hard times but you dont want the blood of the dead from this on you. You have some nerve attacking first responders that are saving the lives of your fellow Americans and maybe even your family members in the future. They are the heroes and god forbid you come down with it, you will be at the hospital begging for their help and unfortunately they have to help your non-comedic pathetic ass. I wish you well you piece of shit get out there and wash the dishes at the comedy club.
Something tells me that you dont actually wish him well…
Hope that made you feel better, Randy!
Thank you so much. It doesnt make me feel better knowing ignorant pieces of shit plague this great country.
Then feel free to leave as soon as possible, Randy.
You leave so that we can make this country good again.
Lol poor poor ignorant Randy 🤣
Maybe try leaving a few more comments calling people pieces of shit…?
Are you thinking it will help eventually?
So the stauchly pro life guy is willing to sacrifice the lives of others so you can go back to work?
Some individual Christian (I don’t want to lump them all together that would be wrong and ignorant) can be wildly hypocritical can’t they? He literally said in his post that he is aware people will die and we can cleanse our blood on him for it. That doesn’t make any sense to me. He is blind and lost and we need to pray that he can get past his pride to see what he has done and continues to do by not admitting his faults and continuing to make excuses to try to be right and show himself in positive light. I can’t blame him, it is human nature to want to be right and flawless. Some guy wrote a book about giving in to such natural human traits and desires, La Vey or something was his last name. I say good for you John do what you feel is good and follow that path of human nature.
I referenced in my post that people will die when the quarantine is lifted. When that happens, there will be some individuals who will blame those deaths on the people who left quarantine and returned to work. Ordinary, decent, hard-working people will be accused of “killing people”. It’s already happening.
Youre happening and it is so disappointing
I’m not sacrificing anybody. The pandemic is nobody’s fault. Lives will be lost whether either way.
Wow John. You really stepped on the cat’s tail here. I think this piece is excellent, and it does give a voice to the millions out there who have no means to provide for their families and are being told they’re selfish for wanting to put food on the table and a roof over the heads of those they love.
Of course, that voice is being drowned out by a lot of sanctimonious people who for some reason feel you are targeting them. I have to wonder why they feel so personally attacked? Could it be that you hit some of these “essential” workers in their pride, and they’ve decided to lash out at you (and by proxy, those of us who had the nerve to share this on social media) because taking a good hard look in the mirror might require an internal attitude adjustment? I sure hope none of these self-righteous harpies never drive over 25mph or shake hands in church (doncha know that’s how you kill people???)
Keep up the good fight, brother. Christ never said truth would be popular. But we’re to keep speaking it anyway. Let this be a small bit of thanks for your willingness to stand up and speak truth, and sharing your words with those of us who are trying to follow the example you’re setting.
Gird your loins as you’ve now placed yourself officially in league with the Devil.
What an idiotic and ignorant piece of narcissistic self inflating pile of crap. You have absolutely no clue about what doctors and nurses do. You should stay home even when the lockdown ends to save all of society
“Keep up the good fight, brother. Christ never said truth would be popular. But we’re to keep speaking it anyway. Let this be a small bit of thanks for your willingness to stand up and speak truth, and sharing your words with those of us who are trying to follow the example you’re setting.” I’m also a Christian, and an RN. My question to all Christians who are pushing for an end to these restrictions before we have a plan in place is what does Philippians 2:3,4 mean to you? It seems many Christians have traded caring for our neighbor to caring only for me and mine, and the hell with anyone else. That is the truth Christ preached; and it’s the truth he lived. Yes; HCPs are “essential”, so are long haul truck drivers, food stockers, police and fire departments. That’s what happens when we’re hit by a pandemic. We can let everyone out without any good plans to test for the virus, without any requirements for using masks and continuing social distancing, but then we “sanctimonious” health care providers will end up getting completely slammed and we just may need the “non-essentials” to come in and adjust vents and hang IVs for us. You up for that?
Cyndi – if you think this piece was directed at you, that says a lot more about the state of your heart and some potential pride issues than anything John actually wrote.
Most Christians that I know who are pushing for an end to the shut down are doing so because it is quickly becoming evident that staying shut down will cost exponentially more lives than allowing people to return to work. It is possible to do that in a way that still protects the elderly and vulnerable, by the way.
Perhaps you ought to examine Philippians 2 and ask why you are resisting when your position is going to lead to more suicides, more substance abuse, more addictions and mental health disorders, more heart disease, and ultimately much more death and disease than you currently have to deal with. Perhaps you ought to realize that in my understanding, my push is actually done because I’m trying to consider everyone above myself – even you.
“My question to all Christians who are pushing for an end to these restrictions before we have a plan in place”
We BEGAN this quarantine without a plan in place. It was “everyone scurry to your holes and we’ll figure things out later”.
Well, now it’s later. The quarantine has no rational justification for continuing (many measures had no rational justification for ever being implemented). Though we don’t have ALL the information, we have enough to know that the initial reason for the shutdown (to allow the government time to build up resources so hospitals would not be overwhelmed) is no longer viable. We also have enough information to know that the current reason for continuing the shutdown (you can’t end it because then people might not be “safe”) is completely and totally irrational. No one is EVER “safe”. You risk hurting or killing someone every time you get in a car or touch them.
Keeping everyone “non-essential” under virtual house arrest is arrogant and actually endangering lives. Those who are gainfully employed “essential” workers – whether they be healthcare personally, grocery workers, truck drivers, food packers, or mayors and governors – telling everyone else it is selfish to call for an end to the quarantine need to read James 2:8-16 carefully. Or as the Bible says “with fear and trembling.”
PS – I will PayPal $200 to the first person who can show me where John specifically directed this at doctors and nurses. Seriously.
That picture on the top of the article with the nurse on it is a good indicator. Now let’s discuss my payment being donated to a charity of my choice instead.
The title of before You tell me to keep staying home also with a picture of a nurse blocking traffic of protesters going to protest the stay in place order on it is indicating that you is referring to the one in attached picture.
Unless you’re a healthcare worker out there protesting instead of doing your job, that still doesn’t refer to you.
Also, I wonder where a picture like that might come from: https://bit.ly/3bzNwZv
Eh I don’t need your $200 I’m sure you need it more then a charity does, just wanted to see if you were good to your word. Have a good day.
Are you seriously suggesting that your picture of a healthcare “not working” worker (who is quite possibly an actor) is *proof* that John SPECIFICALLY directed this post at doctors and nurses? Hilarious, Chuck.
If anything, that particular picture just reinforces the truth that his post was directed at any and all of the sanctimonious hypocrites criticizing anyone “non-essential” wanting house arrest to end. Some happen to be governors and mayors. Others apparently are healthcare workers, but the profession was very decidedly not the target. The attitude – as demonstrated in the picture – is the target.
IMO- Chuckles displays all the traits of a troll. He doesn’t seem to possess the slightest bit of self-awareness. He’s continuing to browbeat me about the immorality of holding positions that I do not actually hold.
Why else would be choose that picture rather than one of the politicians that actually created this ban? I can see you are as biased and blind and lost as John and I hope God has mercy on your soul when your judgement day comes too. All of this talking about minimizing other people’s lives to benefit yours is selfish. When it comes down to it isn’t all life equal? I get where he is coming from saying he wants equality but programs like unemployment and welfare are available to help those in these situations. Those that have to use those programs because they’re unessential might suffer a little but will still live to see another day while many people won’t see another day because of human selfishness from people that claim to be Christian. The entire basis of Christianity comes from a sacrifice and you all claim to be Christian’s but can’t sacrafice luxuries for other people’s well being? Give me a break. You all need to look at yourselves and your morals. It is too bad churches are closed because you all desperately need them for better guidance rather than a self proclaimed hypocritical man of religion. I will pray for you all.
Cyndi don’t bother. These are not Christians. Christians would act on what they preach and I have yet to see one smidge of christian belief anywhere on this page especially the way him and his followers continue to joke about and berate those that don’t agree with him while he asks for the mob to allow him to have his own beliefs.
Begging to be a slave, really… Instead of challenging the system which pushes one to defy a plague to do mostly non essential works (I don’t think he’s growing food or assembling lung ventilators) he takes on the ones saving his life…
Mr Branyan, I don’t know if you are purposely being obtuse, or if you genuinely believe that your post did not target a specific group of people. Maybe you thought your initial veiled comments didn’t target anyone specifically, and that your words are only a defense of your position and a reaction to what I suspect have been harmful statements directed toward you or people with your views. Maybe you really didn’t mean to throw hurtful words towards an entire group (be that nurses or anyone else deemed essential by the government).
If that is the case, then you failed to direct your message appropriately, as evidenced by the vast and overwhelming reaction of “the nurses”. I’d like to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I actually read what you wrote. It was very snarky in the beginning. I can relate to that. I am fluent in snark. It’s the ending that changed a perspective into an attack. It’s absolutely your right to verbally attack and to use your words to defend your position. It is our right to be hurt by your words. Don’t negate that feeling, as nurses felt the attack of your words in a way that cuts more deeply than you could possibly know, in a time when we are tired, drained, fearful, and lost. Not because you are right, but because your words struck us while we are down. Like any of God’s creatures, we were built to protect and defend ourselves too.
We may be on opposite sides of the coin at this particular time, but don’t doubt that we are all still the same coin. We may not be facing the same struggle that you are, and yes, we are getting paid. But. We. Are. Struggling.
I have prayed for an end to this. I have prayed for the death and horror to stop. I’ve prayed for the plight of those that can’t make ends meet anymore.
We are hurting, just like you. It’s not your pain, but it is our own. We’ve seen things that we don’t want you to imagine.
I’m asking you to reflect on your words and I’m asking that you use your platform to bring us together. Not apart.
You may only see a whiny snowflake nurse in me, but I simply ask that you SEE me. We are not your enemy, and we will fight for you and with you. We don’t have to agree.
It is very sad to see so many people berating John for something he DID NOT SAY. He did not single out health care from among the various categories of essential employees. He did not attack ANY category of essential employees. He’s just saying that other people need food and shelter too, and millions are facing the prospect of not having them. Many of their jobs are already unlikely to come back when America “reopens”. Some folks here need to take a break from congratulating themselves for their wisdom, knowledge, and compassion; and work on their reading comprehension.
The point underlying what John is talking about is this: Poverty kills too – often in some very unpleasant ways. Most of the country is in the process of creating large amounts of additional poverty. If that continues for too long (which it possibly already has), it will ultimately cost more lives than the stay-at-home policy saves.
If his speech was not meant to single out a group, then he did a fantastic job of messing up. It is undeniable that the majority of respondents to his statements came away with one message. That we “essentials” are selfish and feel superior and want others to suffer for our glory. He may not have meant to say that, but he did. He not only said it, but he’s doubled down on it repeatedly, and mocked those who dared to speak up to him. I’m one of the most down to earth straight talkers you’ll ever meet. I learned it from my granddaddy, and I’m not afraid you look a man in his eye and say what I mean. That does not free me from the consequences of my words. If I speak in a way that does not anticipate that my words could be misconstrued, and they are, I take responsibility. I stop. I reevaluate. I open my eyes and ears and accept criticism. I attempt to rebuild connections that may have been lost, even if I did not intend to cause harm. If I harm someone, I apologize.
He doesn’t have to. He can ignore us all. He can continue to believe he was right and blameless and laugh at us. That is his right. His reputation will suffer, and as long as he is fine with that outcome, more power to him.
When you start to feel sick… don’t even think of calling your doctor- you’ve just told him/her what you really think of them. When you begin to not breath as well and have a little fever… don’t think of going to urgent care… you already told them you’re “just one life” is more important. When you’re sick ass is begging for someone to help you when you can’t breathe….Don’t go to your local ED or call EMS… you think you aren’t going to need those exact same people you just sarcastically and stupidly put down for doing so much more than they ever thought they’d have to do?
How can you possibly say something as self-centered and uneducated as “ You’re not making the same sacrifice you’re demanding of me.”?!?!?
… ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING?!?! You sit on your fucking couch while I’m helping to intubate a person or breath for them w a bag or simply help them to the bathroom when they accidentally cough on me (and then another and then another and then another) and hope and pray that I don’t bring that stuff home to my children, husband, or elderly mother. Every. Single. Day.
Yep. You’re absolutely right, mother fucker- you’re right. You are sacrificing sooooo much more sitting on the couch, typing snarky, uneducated opinions and putting them online while I wonder when I walk into every persons room if I’ll get it from them or the next person or the next.
Shit sucks right now. For everyone. So sit down, shut the fuck up, and put on your big girl panties- cuz it ain’t getting any better if we don’t all do the tough thing right now.
Give it a rest. He wasn’t attacking any of you. Yeesh. Answer me this. What happens when we over protect people from exposure to germs? You know.
Yes he sure was… but that’s ok. His tune will change if he ever has to see what it really looks like. I hope he doesn’t lose a loved one, nor do I wish him ill. I hope he can have a less selfish view in the future… but not all wishes come true. 🤷🏼♀️
Listen, we all made a choice when we decided to get into whatever profession we claim. I never once said I wanted to be a paramedic because I wanted to be considered “essential”. I became a paramedic to make a difference in this world. I’ve never demanded special status, rather, choose to rest in the knowledge that occasionally the work I do has meaning. My brothers and sisters in healthcare aren’t judging you for your career choice so stop judging us for trying to help save people who don’t know how to tell themselves “no”.
If you don’t like being at home, try working your comedy routine with a string and two cups instead of a microphone (we are doing our jobs with different equipment these days so why shouldn’t you). If you are tired of your routine, try going into a building with no elevator and dragging a dying person out who can’t walk down the steps because he can’t breathe – but do it in an uncomfortable sauna suit.
If this process is “too restrictive”, try to figure out how to locate suitable PPE and how to get the masses to wear it so they will be protected.
While you’re at it, help me explain to my kid that worked so hard that she will not have prom, graduation or other precious moments that the kids who came into this world during the days following 9-11 should have had. Yeah, it sucks and it sucks even more that her mom can’t be home with her during this time to help make special memories.
John, you devalued the healthcare industry with your callous words. If you think you can do better, please sign up for an EMT class, learn about disaster planning or emergency management. Just please stop minimizing the effects of this virus. It is killing people daily – perhaps people who would have been candidates for your live audience. Yes people are losing money during this time. Yes, it is sad. I don’t have all of the answers but your answer to the situation resolves the pocket, not the risk to life.
We really need to rethink the definition of essential. Fast food is not essential. Fancy coffee is not essential. Who gets to make this determination on whether or not I as the only pacheck in my household is essential? Stay at home is only to slow the spread. People act as if it is the cure. Now 4 cities in my county require face coverings in any store.
“Who gets to make this determination on whether or not I as the only paycheck in my household is essential?”
That’s the question. And I have met several people today who would answer with, “I do.”
Love this! When I first saw this douchbag in scrubs stopping traffic, I was totally embarrassed of my profession. Get over yourselves nurses. Florence Nightingale would not be pleased…
Well, after reading all the comments here from supposed “RNs” I’m slowly losing faith in our RNs…guess the old saying is true, “if Doctors (and RNs) are so smart, why are there so many of them?” 😄
Honestly, I see nothing wrong here. I’m considered “essential” and totally agree, although I’d potentially go even farther and say that I dont think that we should have even gone this far with the quarantine. I would’ve thought it would have been just as effective, and less impactful to the economy if they had just quarantined the vulnerable population and allow those that were in that population to work from home if need be. Just my 2 cents though I guess.
Healthcare workers, emergency personnel, store clerks are all dying for shit money because they can’t miss a paycheck or afford to leave a crap job either. Essential=dispensable. They dgaf what you or anyone else thinks of them. They don’t want you to die. They protest because they don’t want people just like you, whiney asshole that you are, to die. Why don’t you complain about the fact most of us can’t afford to miss one paycheck in the “richest country in the world”. Your ire is completely misdirected. But go ahead you get out there and make that money for those 1%’ers who live like leeches off of our productivity. Pay taxes for some more wall street bailouts. I’m keeping my ass inside.
This is one of the richest countries in the world… if a healthcare worker is living paycheck to paycheck, they’re probably overspending honestly.
Since you’re so up on things, what exactly do you think healthcare workers make? I’m a nurse with 3 kids and yep, I live paycheck to paycheck. I’d like to know where these high dollar jobs are you must know about.
Do you feel the same about the essential workers in the grocery stores?
I didn’t become a nurse for glory. I didn’t become a nurse because I wanted to hold a mother off the floor after we couldn’t save her baby.
I didn’t become a nurse to take care of a drunk that just ran a stop sign and killed a woman we tried to save 10 minutes before he got there. I still took care of him. He still got 100% of this nurse.
And before you ask “well then why did you become a nurse?”
Because I do care about the other people on this planet.
And if you came into MY ER and you were sick and or dying, you would also get 100% of this nurse.
And that Sir, is what makes me essential.
From one nurse to another…. Great response! Thank you!
Nowhere in the article do I question the legitimacy of essential worker status. You have rebutted an argument I never made.
Thank you for caring about others on this planet.
I have friends that are career musicians and in a similar position as yourself. They have had the intelligence and adaptability to perform live shows weekly for free via internet while taking donations. Half go to help them to help them survive while the other half go to charitable foundations for those affected by covid generally donating $1000-2000 a week to charity (tax deductible too) and keeping $1-2k themselves. I would recommend you try to follow suit and adapt but unfortunately you have already alienated yourself from those groups of essential employees that would have the extra money and kind hearts to donate to your cause. Good luck to you and hope you didn’t commit career suicide. Maybe start looking at one of those essential jobs because there’s millions of essential employees that have never heard of you and will go out of their way to never give you any of their money for your comedy.
Thanks for the suggestion, Chuck. I might look into finding some of those kind people who haven’t yet learned about my true nature. I’ve had the intelligence and adaptability to perform live shows for free via internet while taking donations. I couldn’t perform the last scheduled show because a bunch of angry essential workers shut it down.
I’m concerned for the non-musically inclined people who aren’t receiving income. My blog post was written to give voice to those non-essential workers who are out of money. The bills are piling up, the refrigerator is empty, the prescription needs refilling, and they’re being told they’re wicked and selfish for wanting to get back to work. I feel sympathy for their families too. Not everyone can make a living doing shows online. I’m going to continue to speak up for the people who don’t have the luxuries I have.
You are right and they are wrong. For every person who is cursing you and insulting you, God bless them with some sense and God bless you for your courage.
So you state that you are aware that people will die from this disease and are ok with that and we can cleanse the blood of others on you since it is your fault if you spread it to others by leaving your house? That’s the line that gets me. Sounds like you are ok with killing others. Not very Christian of you is it? Or is it becauee Christian’s tend to not be able to see the wrong that they do but are quick to condemn others? Perhaps you need to take a deep look at yourself before judging others. Also, I don’t know if you are aware of who is issuing this shut down but it’s definitely not essential employees it’s politicians. I think a rant about them would’ve made much more sense and garnered more support and much less fallout. I will wait here for your next condescending remark though. Have a good day.
I have an idea. You need to go back to work so badly, go be a CNA at Elmhurst Hospital. I’m sure they are hiring. Then you can get a paycheck. Moron.
I’ve heard that people’s lives are being ruined. With any luck, idiotic ideas like yours won’t also get them killed.
Geez…. you must be super bored right now Johnny boy. I would think you would’ve learned not to piss of an entire group of your peers. And the comeback comments are retrospective of exactly how intelligent and thoughtful you can be. It’s a shame that so many of you are out there, completely and utterly clueless. I suggest that you visit Elmhurst in New York. Perhaps you may develop a different perspective of you watch people actually suffocating and literally drowning to death. Have you ever seen someone die in a horrible way? Perhaps….. just for a moment… you can think outside of your selfish box and come up with a more proactive solution here. If our crashing economy bothers you so much… and it does bother ALL of us….. then use your platform to create fundraisers or relief. Maybe act HUMAN for just a fucking moment.
To all those hurling abuse.
You’re kinda proving the point.
Btw. Check out the current news on this virus.
Oh. And for my part?
Any of you who are having a cow and are pro choice?
Allow me to say
“You only care about life when it suits you. Have a day”
👍👍 Fancy
The stay at home order was designed to keep people alive and keep from overwhelming the already overwhelmed healthcare system. We didn’t ask for this pandemic or the order. None of us went to school assuming we would get hatred from a comedian. We are doing our jobs!
You are ignorant and clueless. Those essential health care workers have risked their lives, working without proper PPE. Some have died. Opening states, whose infection rates are not controlled will lead to an increase in infections and continued risk to essential workers (not just health care workers, all essential workers. They have been treated like sacrificial lambs during this crisis.
If this is what you want, I hope essential workers throw in the towel and walk off the job. Your selfish wants shouldn’t be allowed to result in their deaths. You say you have to go back to work, then be willing to work with Covid patients right beside them. If you’re not willing to take that risk…….then SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
You are ignorant and clueless.
I didn’t suggest, or even imply, that health care workers haven’t made sacrifices or endured hardships.
Do you understand that all of us are “essential” to somebody?
No, I’m afraid it is you that is ignorant on this one. When you haven’t seen the ugly side of this situation…. the last breath of a 26yr old mother and you have to tell her daughter her mom will never come home, the fear in the eyes of an 50yr old newlywed man who can’t breathe, or the employee who is now on a vent bc her hospital didn’t have enough masks, so they resorted to 1 surgical mask a week and trash bags as gowns…
When you lose someone you love, someone essential to you, your tune will change.
And then I hope you can help others through this tough time by donating food or your time to those that can’t pay those bills… instead of writing pieces like this.
There are so many things wrong with this commentary, but it’s exactly what I would expect from someone this blatantly stupid. Do you honestly think the doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers want to be quarantined? No, but we see it as a necessary evil to save MANY, NOT ONE, lives. We would much rather go enjoy a pint of beer or a good stiff drink after a hellacious shift of dealing with the public, many of whom are like you- too dumb for their own good. Also, we don’t want trophies or praise, we want protection so that we ourselves don’t continue to spread this virus unknowingly, or infect the ones we love since we must continue to work.
Do us all a favor and fill out the form circulating on Facebook that relinquishes us healthcare workers from providing you with care when you do get ill.
Which hospital do you work at “K C”?
I’ll be sure to avoid it if I ever need professional medical attention.
just avoid them all. You don’t need any of us sanctimonious, hypocritical, privileged types trying to save your sorry ass.
It has always been my goal to avoid hospitalization.
first off, it isn’t essential workers who are demanding people stay at home, it’s governors (rightly) doing so backed by facts from epidemiologists. if you don’t know that word, look it up.
second, aforementioned doctors and nurses are getting laid off, taking pay cuts and going without proper PPE because our for-profit health care system is letting them, and us, down.
third, health care workers are not self-important, they just go to work and do their jobs and beg the rest of us to not be stupid and endanger others.
fourth, what you’re advocating is being stupid. if it were just yourself you were endangering, well frankly, i’d be ok with that, but unfortunately you are putting others at risk. others who would put still others at risk (yes including health care workers, who are on the front line in this fight) and who might actually die. others who have people who love them.
that’s what a pandemic is. it’s infection, spread around by people who get too close to each other.
the 1918 flu epidemic had 3 peaks, the second of which was WAY worse than the first. what you’re unwittingly advocating for is a second, horrible, peak.
stop being stupid. if you can.
and stay the fuck home. while you’re there, take the time to educate yourself on actual facts so you don’t persist in wrongly accusing others (oh! the irony) of sanctimony, privilege and self-importance.
Ok so when you get COVID 19 from your asshattery, we will save the ventilator for someone else. Got it.
Hopefully, I’ll contract a fatal disease and you’ll have a moment of levity in while you’re saving someone else.
Which hospital do you work at?
What you fail to look at or acknowledge is we as nurses are not making any of these decisions as to who is essential, who goes back to work or when, or who lives and dies! We have NO power or voice as to when, how, why, where this all happens. We are also just trying to do our jobs.
What you fail to look at or acknowledge is that I didn’t find fault with nurses or any other specific profession. I would like to be able to do my job as without being accused of “killing people”.
You do know how viruses work, right? I mean, you understand that they’re spread through the air and that the more people that are around each other, the more likely it is that more people will catch it. The steps that have been necessary, while crappy, are also painfully necessary. Just because you’ve never lived through something like this before doesn’t mean you have to act disingenuous.
P. S. S. Herd immunity is important. Avoiding all contact will prolong the outbreak. Staying indoors will increase chances of infection.
That is a better joke than any I have heard from this guy lol. What is your PhD in?
One of the reasons they have the stay at home rules, the reason for the way they are is so that the hospitals don’t get overwhelmed by thousands of people getting sick at the same time. There is a good reason for it.
That’s what the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said too!
… PS He’s in the ICU due to his COVID problem.
And you can. Many comedians have started doing their bits through online platforms, and are quite successful at it. You can do your acts without ever risking your safety or others.
I’m concerned for the millions of people who aren’t comedians. They can’t stay home indefinitely like me.
Dude what are you even talking about? I am an emergency room nurse and clearly your ignorance has gotten the best of you. We didn’t decide to go on quarantine! Lol! Your blaming the wrong crowd. I have a pair of scrubs with your name on it so you can come down on the front line and help so you can feel “essential” and risk your life. Trust me, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows on the other side.
Dude what are you even talking about? I didn’t blame anyone for the decision to go on quarantine.
Are you getting a paycheck or are you on the front lines for free?
Nailed it, again!