• You exist.
  • You do not exist by your own power.
  • Your existence requires an explanation.
  • The best explanation is a powerful, intelligent, personal source outside of time and space.
  • (Time and space cannot exist by their own power either.)

The good news is, you’ve got your evidence for God!

The bad news is, you’ve got evidence for God!

Can you reject this evidence?


Just wave it away!

Doing that will create a problem.

Do you see the problem?

Well, I don’t want to “force my religion down your throat” so I’ll leave you to figure it out for yourself.

I’ll let you do that “rational thinking” that you claim informs your every belief.

I can’t do EVERYTHING for you!

In the meantime, you should stop asking for evidence that God exists.

Especially since you need me to explain what evidence is.

There it is, Pastor Mike.

The ball’s back in your court.

“Whatcha got?”

**UPDATE – The Recovering Know It All Responds With An All-Knowing Comment**

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23 Responses

  1. I feel so popular today ^_^. I have a busy weekend and my name appears in two blog posts whilst I’m gone.

    I think KIA’s original post post originated from earlier in the day, when I asked if one could simultaneously have evidence for two competing viewpoints – to further elucidate what he understands evidence to be (I would contend that you could). He declined to answer in the post, saying “I don’t want to go over that again” and promptly addressed a blog to me vaguely about the topic surrounding the question. Which I then attempted to engage him with a question on the new (older) topic, but was denied further clarification again.

    1. I saw that.
      He encourages open dialogue though. And ask him lots of questions because he isn’t afraid of inquiry either.

  2. The fact that every single human being can look in the mirror or look at another person and say “I am” declares the fact of your existence end of your knowledge of the truth that humans are the only BEINGS that know the truth of their existence.

    The Logos (word) literally makes Real or brings about the existence of everything that is named on the planet.

    Only beings create. Besides humans, who else has declared “I am”? God via the Bible (logos) and Christ by his own words.

    God is not a thing he is he being.

  3. “The existence of you only demonstrates the existence of you”

    When my kids were very small, I told them I found them in a cabbage patch. When they got a bit older I explained I had grown them in my tummy. They laughed outright, that was the tallest and silliest tale they’d ever heard me tell. So naturally I told them to just go ask their dad. He’d explain it all to them. He did not, he said there was just this “poof” and there they were.( “Le poof,” very romantic, I think it’s French.) Anyway, my six year old children explained to their dad that obviously everything comes from something. I mean obviously! We did not just self morph into existence, ex nihilo. Like duh.

    Speaking of the emotional development of small children, generally they start to see the fallacy of “the existence of me only demonstrates the existence of me,” right around age two. We usually call it the terrible twos. Hard truth to swallow indeed, sometimes causes tantrums, but the existence of “me” is simply not the beginning and end all of our whole existence. Sorry.

    1. Speaking of which, I’m feeling pretty tired today. There was a WHOLE LOT of “two” going on around here…

      Can’t wait for bedtime, when it’s just “me” again. 🙂

  4. By the way John, my post was not about the proof for the existence of God in general or even the God of the Bible specifically. You seem to have twisted it into one though. My post was asking for evidence that the historical Jesus that most people accept existed was/in the Jesus of the New Testament. Care to try that line of discussion? -kia

    1. Pretty sure posting an exact copy of your blog makes it impossible to “twist” your words.

      But if you want to talk about Jesus, I’m all ears. What’s your thesis?

    2. I would like to know why a historical figure with four independent biographies each built on eyewitness testimony and dated to the generation of those eyewitnesses with tens of thousands of pieces of manuscript evidence existing from pre printing press times is being questioned. With only the meme to go on it looks like you are relying on a lazy acceptance of easily (and often) explained “contradictions” to then pretend that one of the most attested historical figures of the prephotographic world didn’t exist. But that not only doesn’t follow but forces you to reject literally ALL of ancient history as unknowable and suspect. Do you reject all ancient history as unknowable or are you being illogical merely because you are trying to pretend that Christianity isn’t true?
      There are really only so many options here after all.

    3. Even after thousands of years, there is no reason to doubt Jesus existed.

      You can google something like this easily.
      So it is just silly to debate whether Jesus existed.

      You want to argue about the resurrection? Of course, the Bible itself, since the Bible was written by contemporaries of Jesus, provides resounding evidence of that.

      Frankly, there is no book from ancient times better preserved than the Bible. Moreover, the growth of the Christian Church following Jesus’ death and resurrection was astounding. People believed.

      What makes an Atheist a fool is that he refuses to see the obvious. His intellectual capacity is not the problem. The problem is that an Atheist allows his pride to set aside facts before him.

      What is the most profound proof? Consider this quote from an atheist:

      “The scriptures which contain the revelation of the grace of God, can be found in any religion or school of independent thought.”

      Read the series that ended here.

      Better yet, read that man’s book. Then consider the Bible. On our own, mankind never would have written down the wisdom contained in the Bible, and we did not do so.

  5. There you go being mean again, making anti-Christians explain themselves. I know Zande would just say the universe. Why? Because it exists! Of course, he’s just an “an entirely unintended product of an entirely unguided process” so I suppose we can cut him some slack. But this kind of incoherent and willful ignorance reminds me of what my wife said. Growing up in Chicago, she always thought hamburger came from the grocery store. It’s about the same level of logic here (except she grew up and realized that was stupid.)

    1. Mike has already thrown up a response. I’ll get a screenshot of all the vitriolic responses and update this post later on.

      1. I just saw that. KIA made an entirely incoherent remark and ran away to his own echo chamber. At least he got to call you “dishonest” before scurrying off.

        I have to laugh about this evidence thing. What could be more empirical and tangible than our continuing existence?

        1. Yep. Evidence for God is available in any mirror. Godless can’t see it because they live in the dark.

  6. The existence of You only demonstrates the existence of You. All the rest of your post is an assertion you don’t support, but only ask “how else could it be?”. Argument from ignorance. That’s not anywhere near evidence that demands a verdict. It’s not evidence at all. It’s an assertion that says “I’m right by default unless you can prove me wrong”. It dishonestly shifts the burden of proof. And demonstrates that “whatcha got” is nothing but forceful unsupported assertions and dishonest tactics of argumentation and discussion. Have a great day JB.

    1. So you don’t see the problem.
      Go ask your godless brain trust to help you. Maybe Taboo or JZ can give you a hand.
      I’m not doing your heavy lifting for you.

    2. “The existence of You only demonstrates the existence of You.”

      Sorry, that statement is just incoherent. The clear implication is why anything continues to exist, all the way down to quantum foam. And there’s nothing more empirical and tangible than our continuing existence. So, yes, you do have to explain yourself.

    3. You Really believe that NOTHING can be logically deduced from the starting point of your own existence?
      I’m calling you out. You know that’s not true. I refuse to accept the idea that you are that intellectually lazy or that stupid. You know better.
      Why do you pretend to be less intelligent than you are? Is it because you know JB is right? So what if he is? Why make yourself look a fool to continue arguing with someone on a point which you know to be true? Have the courage to be more honest than that. You’ll get more respect that way than you will pretending to be dumber than we know you to be.

    4. Every time KIA shows up and wishes a “great day,” it happens!

      I can’t think of another explanation for why this is, so I’m going to go with: Evolution.


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