This happened in my home state where there is traditionally nothing going on that’s important enough to bother landing a plane. Just fly over Indiana. You won’t miss a thing!

Surprise, everybody! An LGBTQ+ friendly pastor dressed in drag for an episode of one of HBO’s depraved programs and got fired for it. Suddenly, Indiana is interesting.

I’m confident that the story is mostly untrue. I suspect that we’ll never know the whole story because American media NEVER tells the whole story. The only reason this tiny suburb of Evansville is making headlines is to repeat one of Satan’s most popular lies: “LGBTQ people are bullied by the church.”

That was the conclusion offered by ‘Reverend’ Craig Duke. He was ‘bullied’ out after he spent 30 years building a reputation as a staunch LGBTQ+ supporter. You are supposed to believe that after 3 decades of queer activism, Duke was suddenly fired for dressing in drag. You are supposed to see Duke as another victim of Christian oppression. You’re supposed to be outraged that hateful church people expelled their pastor for nothing more than “bringing the message of God’s unconditional love to a community that has been greatly marginalized.”

But before you click over to Duke’s GoFundMe page to demonstrate the love of Jesus to a persecuted brother, please, please, please, please, for once in your ‘Christian journey,’ act like a Christian instead of a pagan. Think about all the stories you’ve read about church pastors over the years. Go ahead! Think about all those stories of hateful, hypocritical, politically motivated, money-grubbing, child-molesting pastors. Those stories are about sinful pastors because the media wants to make the church look bad.

Now, think about this Drag Queen Pastor story. Who is the villain in this (likely mythical) tale? (That’s not rhetorical. Answer the question. Who is looks bad, the pastor or the church that fired him?) The correct answer is, “The Church.” The pastor is a hapless victim. The church is an intolerant institution of hate.

Church folks gotta understand that people OUTSIDE the church are not your friends. They are not motivated by the Holy Spirit to speak truth. They are committed to destroying God’s kingdom.

Before you shout something like, “John! You’re saying the media should just ignore pastor’s sin!” let me suggest you take a few deep breaths and ask God to clear away your emotions so your brain can function. NOBODY should ignore pastor’s sin. When the pastor (or any other member of the church) behaves sinfully they should be confronted so they can be restored. The pagan media has no resources for restoring people. Forgiveness is ONLY available from Christ. The media is actively attacking the only hope you have to live at peace with almighty God.

This story is nothing more than propaganda, designed by the Prince of Darkness, to snooker weak-minded people away from hope and joy. If you’re a Christian, stop letting godless fools shape the way you understand the church.

Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (Matthew 16:17)

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