I have advice for you intrepid workers of wickedness: “Never ask a question that you don’t want answered.” But since arrogance, pride, and sin make it impossible for godless folks to accept wise counsel, you’ll keep right on presenting me with opportunities to demonstrate the superiority of a Christian worldview.

The only time an atheist says, “Please explain…” is when she doesn’t think you’ll be able to explain. Critical thinking is a gift from God and unbelievers deny the very existence of the Gift Giver so The Lord of The Universe takes their rationality away from them, leaving them perpetually befuddled by even the simplest of concepts. They sincerely believe that whatever confounds them, confounds everyone.

The answer to this specific question is: “BOTH the rainbow flag and the 10 commandments are tools of indoctrination.”

That shrieking you hear are the tortured cries of the wicked. They don’t like the word ‘indoctrination’ applied to their education system. It distresses them to learn that EVERY classroom, whether in prison camp, a church basement, or a public school is indoctrinating students. They were indoctrinated to believe that indoctrination is “bad” while education is “good.”

The “Please explain…” question is a trap they think will reveal the hypocrisy of we religious types. Unfortunately for the trap setters, we religious types openly admit to being indoctrinators. We use the term interchangeably with ‘training,’ ‘teaching,’ ‘coaching,’ ‘correcting,’ and ‘educating.’ The trap actually reveals the hypocrisy of those who insist a rainbow flag is NOT religious dogma.


The people trying to convince you there’s a difference between ‘education’ and ‘indoctrination’ are either liars or imbeciles. For those who have ears to hear: EVERYONE is indoctrinated.

(2 Timothy 3:16) All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

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