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21 Responses
All of our calendars, since there were calendars, have used “AD” after the year, and all time in history referenced before the birth of a carpenter’s son has a “BC” after it.
Paul is also historical fiction. Anonymous authors invented everything in the New Testament in order to dupe gullible people into paying tithes…to someone…or something.
This is why I don’t go on atheist sites. Their playground taunts rarely rise the level of boring. But thanks for making such an idiotic discourse entertaining. And, btw, here’s an answer to Ark’s question about evidence, according to his own historical standard:
This blub (from the page you linked) would have (should have) shut down the entire thread… especially since it comes from the esteemed valid source of wiki….
Very true. Presenting evidence (or worse, asking them for evidence) just confuses them and makes them go into an angry rant. They will just accuse you of lying, moving the goal posts, being disingenuous, etc.
It’s only a little quid pro quo for the joy I receive whenever your little Peaches Cobbler laughs or says her trademark Uhhhhhh…Huh!
I’ve all but given up on my Facebook threads of trying to convince the soulless meat puppets of anything. Calling them soulless meat puppets, devoid of meaning or purpose, usually is enough to get them all riled up and indignant…
Then I sometimes act like a five-year-old and just keep asking, “Why? Why? Why?” until the reductivism becomes painful.
It’s somewhat absurd, but I do have absolute evidence of, “the historical figure called Jesus of Nazareth.” The thing is, “in Him I have my breath and being.” The problem being, it is incredibly challenging to try to present evidence and a testimony without any, “breath and being.”
Atheists often call me childish when I point this out, but that it isn’t it at all! I simply don’t know who’s breath I’m supposed to borrow to make my arguments? Without Him I am simply dust. I suppose even the stones can cry out, but just the same, I don’t think dust should really be speaking, at least not out loud.
Though I was unaware of the Alexander the Great comparison, it’s comforting to know that we can simply ignore that comparison and divert to other topics. Also, it’s really cool to ask the question “Are they a Christian?” or say “Check out what else he believes.”. That way, we can just mock the other, rather than address any hard questions.
I hate to the one to say it, but the facade is over. We have clearly lost. How can you just GLOSS over the earth shattering revelation dropped on you by Ark? The atheists have WIKIPEDIA on their side! Historians and observational science can’t save us now! Christianity is dead! Game over, man!
This is the one point that I love seeing brought up to the heathens, especially when they start complaining about how unethical, evil, immoral, and dumb-dumb stupid-headed Christians and God are.
It’s usually: “Religious people (mostly Christians but not Muslims… because that would be Islamophobic) are the cause of most death, taxes and athlete’s foot on the entire planet. They’re evil and immoral, as is their supposed god.”
Then: “Boy, wouldn’t it be nice if there was a place of eternal damnation where their evil athlete’s-footed souls could be sent and justice could be served?”
I waiver back and forth between pity and contempt for these people. They would not believe even if you cited multiple sources. So to quote Mr T. “I pity the fools”.
His catchphrase “I pity the fool!” comes from the film; when asked if he hates Rocky, Lang replies, “No, I don’t hate Balboa, but I pity the fool.” This from the reputable Wikipedia page. Unlike the atheists I didn’t give you a link to do your own research.
I consider it my public service to pass along pieces of trivia.
Ugh. I hold off on this because I don’t want to be guilty of what they’re doing. But when someone just decides to be skeptical of something and without any thought or research decides that their own ideas are true, it gets on me. I saw this happen around Christmas time last year. One twitter trend was that people didn’t know that reindeer actually existed, and then only a few days later, Twitter was trending that people were saying that Jesus never existed. Perhaps you overlooked him like you did the reindeer? AND ANOTHER THING!!! I HATE when people say something isn’t true, with no evidence to that fact and try to put the burden on you to prove otherwise. I’m not in charge of your dementia. You’re going to have to deal with that on your own. People have written about Jesus, they have read about Jesus, they have died instead of denying that he is God. Its on you to tell me why that’s all balderdash.
here endeth the rant…this is just one of my soft spots
21 Responses
All of our calendars, since there were calendars, have used “AD” after the year, and all time in history referenced before the birth of a carpenter’s son has a “BC” after it.
Wait… so did Paul exist? How can they reference Paul and deny Jesus???
Paul is also historical fiction. Anonymous authors invented everything in the New Testament in order to dupe gullible people into paying tithes…to someone…or something.
This is why I don’t go on atheist sites. Their playground taunts rarely rise the level of boring. But thanks for making such an idiotic discourse entertaining. And, btw, here’s an answer to Ark’s question about evidence, according to his own historical standard:
This blub (from the page you linked) would have (should have) shut down the entire thread… especially since it comes from the esteemed valid source of wiki….
It makes me laugh that you still think presenting evidence will have any affect on the conversation.
Very true. Presenting evidence (or worse, asking them for evidence) just confuses them and makes them go into an angry rant. They will just accuse you of lying, moving the goal posts, being disingenuous, etc.
It’s only a little quid pro quo for the joy I receive whenever your little Peaches Cobbler laughs or says her trademark Uhhhhhh…Huh!
I’ve all but given up on my Facebook threads of trying to convince the soulless meat puppets of anything. Calling them soulless meat puppets, devoid of meaning or purpose, usually is enough to get them all riled up and indignant…
Then I sometimes act like a five-year-old and just keep asking, “Why? Why? Why?” until the reductivism becomes painful.
It’s somewhat absurd, but I do have absolute evidence of, “the historical figure called Jesus of Nazareth.” The thing is, “in Him I have my breath and being.” The problem being, it is incredibly challenging to try to present evidence and a testimony without any, “breath and being.”
Atheists often call me childish when I point this out, but that it isn’t it at all! I simply don’t know who’s breath I’m supposed to borrow to make my arguments? Without Him I am simply dust. I suppose even the stones can cry out, but just the same, I don’t think dust should really be speaking, at least not out loud.
Though I was unaware of the Alexander the Great comparison, it’s comforting to know that we can simply ignore that comparison and divert to other topics. Also, it’s really cool to ask the question “Are they a Christian?” or say “Check out what else he believes.”. That way, we can just mock the other, rather than address any hard questions.
I hate to the one to say it, but the facade is over. We have clearly lost. How can you just GLOSS over the earth shattering revelation dropped on you by Ark? The atheists have WIKIPEDIA on their side! Historians and observational science can’t save us now! Christianity is dead! Game over, man!
This is the one point that I love seeing brought up to the heathens, especially when they start complaining about how unethical, evil, immoral, and dumb-dumb stupid-headed Christians and God are.
It’s usually: “Religious people (mostly Christians but not Muslims… because that would be Islamophobic) are the cause of most death, taxes and athlete’s foot on the entire planet. They’re evil and immoral, as is their supposed god.”
Then: “Boy, wouldn’t it be nice if there was a place of eternal damnation where their evil athlete’s-footed souls could be sent and justice could be served?”
Then it’s usually: [Topic Change]
I waiver back and forth between pity and contempt for these people. They would not believe even if you cited multiple sources. So to quote Mr T. “I pity the fools”.
I waiver between contempt and loathing.
Do you have evidence that Mr. “T” ever said that… or that he existed at all?
His catchphrase “I pity the fool!” comes from the film; when asked if he hates Rocky, Lang replies, “No, I don’t hate Balboa, but I pity the fool.” This from the reputable Wikipedia page. Unlike the atheists I didn’t give you a link to do your own research.
I didn’t know this.
I consider it my public service to pass along pieces of trivia.
Ugh. I hold off on this because I don’t want to be guilty of what they’re doing. But when someone just decides to be skeptical of something and without any thought or research decides that their own ideas are true, it gets on me. I saw this happen around Christmas time last year. One twitter trend was that people didn’t know that reindeer actually existed, and then only a few days later, Twitter was trending that people were saying that Jesus never existed. Perhaps you overlooked him like you did the reindeer? AND ANOTHER THING!!! I HATE when people say something isn’t true, with no evidence to that fact and try to put the burden on you to prove otherwise. I’m not in charge of your dementia. You’re going to have to deal with that on your own. People have written about Jesus, they have read about Jesus, they have died instead of denying that he is God. Its on you to tell me why that’s all balderdash.
here endeth the rant…this is just one of my soft spots