This is the final installment in my series of evidences for God’s existence.

This is not the end of the evidence!

I’m just declaring an end to the series.

I’ve demonstrated the absurdity of the claim, “There is no evidence for God.”

Additional evidences are redundant.

In my opinion, I’ve saved the most compelling evidence for last.

Here it is:

Recipe books are loaded with information.

Each recipe is a detailed explanation for how to cook something.

It goes without saying that somebody must have written those recipes.

Any book is evidence of an author.

But a book is evidence for something else…

…”a reader”.

Information is useless without someone to interpret it.

There’s a specific recipe that is powerful evidence for God.

The recipe is written with just four letters.


These letters represent adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine – molecules that make up DNA.

DNA is the abhorrently complex code that describes everything about your body.

Every. Single. Thing.

DNA is like a recipe for human beings.

The recipe isn’t written on paper.

It’s written in a long, twisting, double-stranded chain like this:

The information in a DNA strand would fill up thousands of recipe books.

It should go without saying that this recipe has an author.

But DNA is also evidence for an invisible intelligence at work in the universe.

Somebody is “reading” the recipe written by the author.

Enzymes in living cells “read” the information in DNA.

Enzymes have no brains.

Enzymes don’t go to school or watch YouTube videos.

Yet somehow these particles talk to each other.

The exchange of information is always evidence of intelligence.


It makes no sense to print a cookbook unless somebody is going to read it.

It makes no sense for DNA to exist unless somebody is going to use the information it contains.

Science may discover more things about how the recipe book works.

Science is NOT going to discover the book doesn’t have an author.

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23 Responses

  1. and as usual, JB has no idea about the science he claims shows his god exists. This is the failure of a theist, that they must ignore reality to support their presupposition that they and only they know the “truth”, though they have no more truth than the next theist that makes the same claim.

    Information does not require an intelligent reader. JB just assumes this as usual because he needs a reason for his god to exist. And considering that JB claims that his god follows this recipe (“It makes no sense to print a cookbook unless somebody is going to read it.It makes no sense for DNA to exist unless somebody is going to use the information it contains.
    Science may discover more things about how the recipe book works.
    Science is NOT going to discover the book doesn’t have an author.”)

    it also indicates that this god is a moron or malevolent when it comes to “cooking” because of all of the horrible genetic diseases that happen because the GATC aren’t put in the right place by this “cook”.

    If JB wants to claim that his god is following a recipe, then he gets to also admit that his god is incompetent and is responsible for Tay Sachs disease, trisomy 13 and 18, Niemann-Pick disease, fatal family insomnia, etc.

    1. It’s always a good day when The Leopard stops by.
      Please know you’re welcome here any time, Vel. 🙂

      1. Do you think “Vel” is an intelligent agent or are you using the word “Vel” to represent the laws of physics that generated the above comment without cause?

        1. I don’t think.
          I just react.

          Like everything else in the Universe, ever since the Big Bang…

          Just reacting.

    2. Information requires an informer. Codes require a coder.

      The specific information encoded into DNA was programmed with a purpose, intent and design. It could have formed no other rationally explainable way.

      The Logos… the Word… the manner in which immaterial and massively dense information is transported with the speed and efficiency of light…. exists.

      It can only (logically) exist if it is “spoken” into existence by an intelligent being.

      Bonus… an intelligent being that is also timeless, spaceless, all powerful and immaterial, could certainly use logos to ‘speak’ matter into existence, move mountains, heal the sick, raise the dead AND create other beings in the material we call flesh.

      This being might also be omnipotent enough to have an uncorrupted instruction manual created to illucidate and reveal information about Himself when He came to us in the flesh to give us pointers on how to reconnect with Him when our meat suits fail.

      1. Okay, Bb, support your claim. You make baseless claims without any evidence for this coder or informer. We have nothing that shows your god exists, and the laws of physics work just as well, as some being that for some reason cares about the sex lives of biological beings.

        You also have the problem that there is nothing that shows that your version of your god is this creator/informer/coder. You simply think that it has to be since you were born in a certain place and were raised in a certain religion by people you had reason to trust, just like every other theist who is sure that their god/s is the creator. And the “logos” is just as imaginary and not “logical” at all. The ontological, cosmological etc arguments fail in that they must assume some being is required and that is not shown to be the case.

        Humans want to believe that things need an intelligent starter because we are built to assume cause and effect. And humans have postulated god after god to explain reality. Funny how none of those gods have ever been shown to exist or that some supernatural force does anything at all, including the “miracles” claimed by most, if not all, religions.

        As for some being with the characteristics of “timeless, spaceless, all powerful and immaterial”, that doesn’t fit your god at all per what the bible says, so you are inventing your own. This god in the bible requires time to have cause and effect, it has a physical form, it is not all-powerful, and it is not immaterial. There is no reason to imagine such a being as you describe existing, other than you need it to fulfill the assumption that a god, no matter how vague, must exist. And funny how there is no evidence at all of mountains moving, the raising of the dead, creation from nothing, and the healing of the sick. One has to wonder where this god of yours is when it doesn’t do a damn thing for people in cancer wards or VA hospitals.

        Hmmm, where is this “uncorrupted instruction manual”, Bb? It certainly isn’t the bible since that is quite a mess, written by the ignorant and the fearful. When a “god” fails at trying to claim a whole city will be forgotten and never found again (Tyre has quite a few thousand people living right there), commands genocide, kills children repeatedly, has two creation myths which can’t even get the order right, has a snake that i either allowed in or was too stupid to keep out, etc, this isn’t a perfect instruction manual, especially seeing that believers don’t agree on what this god wants and what is require to be “saved”.

        So much for omnipotence and so much for your god being such a great coder, that it fails humans repeatedly when it screws up and puts the code in wrong so they die of horrible diseases, often when very young.

        1. Wow, Vel!
          This is a very impressive size for a comment! You must have lots of thoughts…

          Perhaps you should blog…

          1. hmmm, my wish is your command, and i predicted your request six years ago!

            and keyboard? Shucks, I just think and my computer knows what to do. 🙂

            So, JB, why does your god fail at this code it supposedly created and damns people to misery and grief by its ineptitude?

          2. I’m a lucky woman! It’s too bad I don’t have much time to read these days.
            Evolution has given me four kids and only two arms, so I’m very busy!

            I’m glad others can read your brilliant thoughts if they want to find them.

          3. Please stop by and say things from time to time!
            It’s always helpful to hear your perspective.

  2. John, I think this is the best one yet. It should be, by the science alone, with the design involved, be the absolute, perfect answer to the ones that need the evidence.
    Oh,I forgot, when the eyes are blind they can’t see anything.

  3. Yep. Good argument. Eyeballs are another thing that kind of make you go, wow, this is actually a deliberate and purposeful design.

    Something fascinating about DNA recipes, why does the theory suggest we are always progressing, evolving, getting better? We could be going backwards, returning to the Planet of the Apes. Getting worse. Nature doesn’t care about making a better ape, nature will actually “evolve” critters right into extinction. Why are humans thought to be the exception, as if our genes are always evolving in the right direction? Because we’re arrogant, that’s why, but if you’re going to embrace that paradigm, then you have to accept that Somebody is running the show.

  4. Just to clarify, are you suggesting God wrote the recipe for himself, so he could read it later?

    1. I knew somebody was going to ask that…

      I don’t know! (That answer should make the heathen happy.)

      Molecules in living cells do incredibly complicated things. Enzymes are protein molecules. MOLECULES! How does a molecule “read” a strand of DNA? There is a wisdom that permeates all creation. The point I was trying to make is that DNA wouldn’t “evolve” unless some intelligent agent was capable of reading the code. (It’s essentially another Chicken/Egg dilemma.)

      1. Maybe molecules CAN read DNA. Maybe it’s in their nature to be able to follow instructions like that.

        But, that ability can’t just come from nothing. God may have built these little recipe-readers, the way humans have built face-recognition software. Someone may ask, “how can microchips read?!?!” And, indeed, the software doesn’t ACTUALLY “recognize” the faces it sees. Not the way humans do… (At least I’m pretty sure the software doesn’t say to itself, “Hey, there’s Larry! I haven’t seen him in ages! We should get together again sometime!”

        But the software does what it was taught to do–by intelligent beings who DO recognize faces.

      2. P.S. please find a way to work “facial recognition technology” into your act. I’m cracking myself up over here.

          1. “Hey, there’s Larry!”
            I almost didn’t recognize him with his new mustache… But that’s him all right.

            I love the idea that software thinks/recognizes.

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