Have you noticed that non-religious people become religious zealots whenever somebody dies?
All the mockery of ‘thoughts and prayers’ goes right out the window. They’re suddenly filled with superstitions about the ‘afterlife’ and ‘resting in peace.’ They’ll openly share best wishes for a joyful existence beyond this material world. It’s…diabolical.
Jesus explained that there is no way to get to God apart from Him. Atheists are enraged by Christ’s audacity. They refuse to submit to The Son because they believe they are morally superior to The Father. They celebrate selfishness as ‘freedom’ and dismiss sin as ‘myth.’
…and then somebody dies…
And the arrogant, lovers of darkness reach into their empty hearts in hopes of finding something other than despair. They wage war against the source of all goodness and then cry out for comfort in calamity. Their religion lacks power but they will not abandon the faith. Pride won’t allow it.
Ironically, the workers of wickedness are correct when they ridicule spiritual sentiments. The thoughts and prayers of unrighteous people are worthless. They should keep that religion to themselves.
(Luke 6:45) The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
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