There’s a cartoon picturing a couple with halos over their heads holding a leash connected to a halo around their child’s neck. It is a perfect depiction of what Christian parenting is supposed to look like.

The best parents restrain their children. Kids are prone to self destruction. They are impulsive, reckless, selfish little beasts who wouldn’t last a week on their own. Good parents will use whatever means are necessary to keep their beloved offspring from self-inflicted harm.

In the picture, the kid is peacefully strolling along, secure in the knowledge that Dad won’t let him stray too far in the wrong direction. A gentle tug on the leash will prevent a moment of childish impulsiveness from ruining the child’s life. The restrictions of Christianity provide safety.

Ungodly parents force their children to learn from experience. Having no wisdom to guide themselves, they abandon their offspring to face the consequences of foolishness all alone. As their own progeny is lost, these parents mock Christians for being authoritarians.

Make a copy of this cartoon and put it on your refrigerator. It will help you remember that Christianity should be used to steer your family toward goodness and away from evil. Only fools laugh at that.

(Deuteronomy 4:9) Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.

Christian Comedy for Hire

If you like my blog even a little bit, then you should know I do Christian Comedy live shows! It’s all the faith and fun you read here, but on stage, it’s even more hilarious. Hire me for your next corporate bash, church event, or school function, and let’s make it a night of laughs with my unique brand of Christian Comedy!

three little pigs

Three Little Pigs

Three Little Pigs in Shakespeare is available as a children’s book. Get the illustrated story based on my viral comedy routine from Amazon.  Makes a great gift for the word-lovers in your life. 

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