A Word About Making Fun of People On My Blog
I know some of my Christian brothers and sisters are uncomfortable with the way I interact with pagans. You would prefer I “be nice” and I totally understand why you are suggesting I change my tone. I encourage you to get your own blog.
Really! If God has given you a burden to communicate with the heathen, you better get busy doing it. I’m rooting for you. I promise I won’t scold you in the comment section for being “unloving” or “un-Christlike”. I’ll leave you in peace to follow the convictions of the Holy Spirit.
I’ll be right here, publicizing the depraved, irrational ramblings of those who choose darkness and death over light and life. The fool says in his heart, “there is no God” and it is no coincidence that the words of fools are funny. My comment section is open. The fools are welcome to clarify, rebut or redirect anything I post. I am not responsible when their pride prohibits them from doing so.
15 Responses
How is the glass different from the water in the glass? Not that hard to understand… well, at least by most people.
Not quite. The question is “How is a glass of water different from a glass filled with water?”
True. But how is a plate different than a plate loaded with bacon?
It isn’t because I ate all the bacon.
You’re still not getting it. You’re separating the plate and bacon.
How is a snowmobile different from all the parts assembled into a snowmobile?
It isn’t. Right?
How is “my body” different from “legs and arms and a head?”
“Body” is the word we give to “all the parts, combined”
And “Universe” is the word we give to “all the stuff in the Universe, combined.”
Your individual body parts have a cause. Your body, however, just exists inexplicably.
That’s what our atheist friends are trying to sell us.
They believe The Whole has a different explanation and a different set of rules than The Pieces.
And, while they are correct that this is “possible.” It doesn’t seem very probable.
As I told them: if you’re going to try teaching this reasoning to my children some day, please be prepared to give evidence that The Universe doesn’t need an intelligent cause…like the sandcastle on the beach needs an intelligent cause.
Sorry guys. I get it now. It was too early and I was distracted by a plate load of bacon.
No need to apologize! If something doesn’t make sense, call him out! 🙂
Also, bacon is delicious.
Is KIA on our marketing team now?
How sweet.
I wish he had a good blog. His tiny readership isn’t going to help us much.
If he keeps linking to you, it might go up temporarily.
They won’t keep coming back for pictures of his dinner. But he might see a blip on his stats once in awhile.
He owes me a thank you!
You’re exposing foolish beliefs for the drivel they are. You never begin your expositions with ridicule for the people behind them on a personal level. The irony is that atheists’ beliefs cannot bear up under the scrutiny of critical analysis, whereupon the atheists themselves begin screaming profanity. If one only has a lack of belief to define themselves, attacking that lack comes across personally. Once people begin responding this way, I believe we are within our rights to deliver a biblical response: “the lips of a fool bring them strife, and their mouths invite a beating.” (Proverbs 18:6).