A quote from the man who still holds major influence in the scientific community despite his staggering scientific ignorance. Way back when Chuck Darwin was writing all his scientific insights, the consensus among the biological experts was that life could spontaneously generate from non-life. It was accepted science that life just appeared, like magic.
I’m not picking on Darwin (or any of his fellow scientists). I can understand why they thought what they thought. Leave a piece of bread on the counter and mold grows all over it. That certainly looks like life popping into the world from nowhere.
It wasn’t until 1861 that Louise Pasteur demonstrated that life only comes from other life. By then, Darwin’s origin of the species had been circulating for a year and a half so Pasteur’s dramatic discovery was a major inconvenience to the celebrated Theory of Evolution. The general consensus among the biological experts was that this troublesome fact should be ignored.
Fast forward to 2023 when science has provided technology that would have dazzled Darwin and his contemporaries. The applied discoveries of certain members of the scientific community have enable us to live longer, richer lives. However, not all scientists have contributed to mankind’s growing base of knowledge. Scientists who do not accommodate new scientific discoveries are actively slowing down our progress.
Anyone who still references Darwin’s theories are examples of such people. Their personal biases cause them to cling to outdated scientific models. They know spontaneous generation is impossible but the only rational explanation to their existence fills them with loathing and contempt. They cannot bring themselves to give credit to a Creator for creation. That is not, because of ignorance. That is simply pride.
It has been 160 years since science proved that life requires a living source and the people who ignore that fact still have the audacity to call themselves ‘free thinkers.’ They lecture endlessly on the virtue of being open-minded while shunning the glory of God that is declared by the nature they claim to study. After all this time, their thinking remains unevolved.
(Proverbs 18:2) A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions.
3 Responses
There was no major inconvenience to the celebrated Theory of Evolution. Evolutionary biology is a basic science essential for medicines. Evolutionary technologies, such as population genetics, serial transfer production of live vaccines, and phylogenetic analysis, have been widely applied including infectious disease and aging research that widely illustrate the dramatic recent progress made possible by evolutionary insights.
You dare to criticise Darwin who as a scientist expected such scrutiny and his findings have been improved in many areas by many scientists, however as an anti-science theist you simply offer no substantial contrary evidence to support your faith, beliefs and hopes.
Evolutionary insights haven’t contributed anything except confusion and misinformation.
The big problem in scientific progress these days is that much of it is funded by the government. The people on the review boards are not going to want the work they published countered by contrary theories.