There comes a time in the life of every man who shares my name, likeness, and social security number, when he must put away the pursuit of fame, notoriety, and social media influence. That time has come…and gone. There was never a time when I wanted followers. I have always hated self promotion. Whether it’s daily update videos of my travels or snapshots from backstage at my last show or whacky pictures of myself pointing at my tour schedule or sub-titled comedy clips or whatever other content I’m required to provide in the endless effort to draw attention away from those other content creators—I loath all of it.
It’s not just that I’m unwilling to clamor for celebrity status. I actively despise the process. Filling my feeds with ‘Look at Me’ posts makes me feel cheap, desperate, and stupid. The stupidity is compounded by the fact that social media censors, bans, blocks, removes, and generally prohibits my attempts to communicate ideas that don’t align with paganism. Compounded by the criticisms of anonymous halfwits whose opinions are both uninformed and unsolicited. Compounded by religious zealots and their angry, vitriolic lectures about the importance of being gracious. Compounded by insipid comments from AI controlled robots posing as human beings (dumb ones).
Life is too short to feel stupid every day.
My social media feed will continue to degrade into a ‘safe’ space. Eventually, if God wills, my Facebook wall won’t bother anyone. It will contain no offense, no controversy, no judgment, and no wisdom. Forgive me if I slip-up on occasion and post something relevant, insightful, or useful. Please know that it wasn’t intentional.
My blog is the place where (for now at least) I can speak freely. I’ll post my “Not Safe for Anywhere” content here. The stuff that will get me into trouble on Facebook (i.e. the truth) won’t be available to the masses. The public isn’t interested in what I have to say and I’m not interested in saying the things that they want to hear.
You can subscribe to my blog if you want. I’m intending to continue commenting on our culture’s slide toward oblivion. It’s impossible to mock God and thrive. It’s impossible to mock godlessness on Facebook.
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We love you John!