When things are going great, it’s time to call it quits.

Most relationships aren’t strong enough to withstand years of happiness.

Take this one, for instance.

“We have lovingly chosen to separate as a couple. We fell deeply in love so many years ago and have had a magical journey together. Absolutely nothing has changed about how much we love one another, but love is a beautiful adventure that is taking us on different paths for now.”

Deeply in love on a beautiful, magical journey, they’ve decided to go their separate ways.

This makes perfect sense.

Especially when splitting up the family won’t split up the family.

“We are still a family and will always be loving dedicated parents to Everly.”


They’re still in love.

Still on a magical journey.

Still a family.

All it takes is a little wishful thinking.

Divorce is just another way of saying, “I Love You.”

I wish them well on their beautiful adventure.

I hope they fall deeply in love and have a magical journey.

May they be so blissfully happy and magical and beautiful and adventurous that it breaks their brains.

I hope they each find someone with whom they can begin a new separation.

Let’s celebrate with them.

They’re excellent role models for our culture of self-centeredness.

If we do as they do…

…and we’re very lucky…

…maybe we can find a love so perfect we throw it away!

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11 Responses

  1. This is such a prevalent line of thought where I live, we once actually had to explain to our own kids that the reason we’re still married is pure spite, sheer madness, and a desire for revenge.

    What’s tragic is that real kids are going to spot the lies, “we still love you, we’re still a couple, we’re still a family,” and never trust what anyone says about love again, or about truth and beauty for that matter. It would be far kinder to the kid to simply explain you’re deeply flawed as a person, an epic failure at love and commitment, and you just can’t do it anymore. Your own need to survive emotionally is going to have painful and devastating consequences on your kid and you’re sorry about that. No judgment here on my end, I just think that kind of honesty would be lot kinder than handing a kid a basket of bovine poo and burdening them with the emotional baggage of your alleged “beautiful journey.”

  2. Ain’t it great to be PC! You can turn every negative thing around and call it positive.

    This make me realize that last weeks wind storm in our areas questions my need to fix the roof. The missing shingles create a new design that I choose to love. Deciding to not replace them because of my love for the new unusual design shows how much I trust the roof in its current condition.

    Spiritually speaking, God crested the wind so therefore God made this new surface for me to love and appreciate His new creation and there is no reason for me to replace the missing shingles.

    1. Same way you divorce and are “still a family”.
      When words don’t mean anything, you just do what you want…and it’s “beautiful”.

  3. Cool! If I was a lady (which I understand is quite easy do now-a-days) I couldn’t wait to snag this guy so I, too could have such a special love like theirs.

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