“John, you jerk!! People like you are the reason I quit the church!!!!”
Thank you for the encouragement. Sometimes it feels like I’m accomplishing nothing. It’s good to know that my efforts are making a positive difference. I’m grateful to God for allowing me to play a small role in His master plan.
It thrills my heart to know that I’m not the only person who cares about truth. There are other churches that won’t tolerate your false religion! These churches are so firmly committed to the Gospel that you gave up trying to corrupt them. With you gone, they can enjoy earnest fellowship and unity.
Please tell me the name of the church you left. I’m eager to connect with a group of people who are not intimidated by bullies. Any congregation that you find insufferable is a congregation I want to join.
I only wish you had more social relevance. If you were more significant, your indignant meltdown would bring more glory to Christ. As it stands now, few people know that you’re worshiping yourself and absolutely nobody cares.
While your feelings are trivial, I rejoice to be considered worthy to suffer your ire for the sake of the Kingdom. If I am the reason your unholy philosophy no longer abuses the church, all praise and credit goes to God.
(Psalm 81:11) “But my people did not listen to my voice; Israel would not submit to me. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts, to follow their own counsels.”
2 Responses
John, you jerk! I can’t say as I’ve had anyone leave the church because of me, but I have been accused of being unChristlike for following Christ. Strange but true.
You probably would like to connect with my church ’cause my church ain’t intimidated by those who get “afended” by the Gospel. It’s Grace Life Chapel