This was a thing that an atheist said:
This is similar advice to what you hear from someone with a plastic bag tied over his head…
“I saw another guy with a plastic bag tied around his head on a Christian page grieving over his struggles to breathe.
My take is that if you’re worried that your worldview is depriving you of oxygen, then you should adjust your worldview. Whatever that takes. If that makes you believe in atmosphere, then I literally say…breathe in the air.
Never mind my views on respiration versus suffocation. More than that, I just don’t want you thinking about harming yourself.”
The struggle with ‘ultimate meaninglessness’ is a gift from God. It is one of the ways He calls out to us. Scripture tells us that we have eternity set in our hearts.
Atheism is stifling and the panic you feel when you can’t catch your breath is the Holy Spirit telling you that your worldview is killing you. I’m a right-wing, religious whacko so you can sneer and scoff when I say this. But when one of your enlightened, rational atheist kinsmen tells you to turn to God, what are you gonna do? He is way smarter than me!
Maybe you’ll decide to leave the bag on your head. With your few remaining moments of consciousness, be sure to thank the other guy with a bag on his head for being a great role model.
(Romans 6:16) Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?