As I hoped, there was a response to this article!

Responding to my assertion that skepticism doesn’t refute an argument, the blog owner…

…provided skepticism.

True to form, the gaggle of godless goons showed up to express their contempt for me.

(Still no evidence that undermines the New Testament, Josephus, Pliny or Tacitus.)

If there are any atheists with verifiable evidence that demonstrates Jesus didn’t actually exist, let’s see it.

I am going to say right here and now there will be none.

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16 Responses

  1. JB and Mel? No, no, no. They are from SOUTHERN Indiana. John is from NORTHERN Indiana. Different people, KIA. 🤔

      1. I agree with John as one who grew up and lived in central Indiana til a few years ago. No association with the north or the south should be made.

  2. The problem with arguing with an atheist or any skeptic is they always want to define terms, so in this case we get verifiable. What does that mean? To me it would be first hand knowledge, well we have that, but no that doesn’t count now it needs to be foreign (whatever that means). You will never convince them.

    John I have been reading all of these posts and I am wondering if you can tell me what the freedom the atheists keep bringing up. They are so proud of being “free”. What does that mean? Free from what?

    1. This is the question Atheists need to be asked: “Verifiable BY WHOM?”

      I have explained this problem to them many, many times. Ultimately, they set themselves up as judges of all truth, knowledge and “reality.” If they decide something has been “verified” as scientific fact, then it is so. If they decide they still need more “evidence,” then–presto–the evidence you’ve already supplied hasn’t been verified. THEY are the Definers of Definitions and the Judgers of Judgement. All hail.

      Sadly, most Atheists who blog about religion are extremely dishonorable, biased judges. They move their standard of measurement, depending on what they WANT to be true. They don’t have a consistent skepticism that they apply to everything, equally.

      That’s why I usually tell them: “We agree completely. There’s NOTHING I can say to verify anything to you. Congrats.” 🙂

  3. Well I will give them credit for being consistent. Willfully obtuse but still consistent.

  4. I can only take so much mindless drivel. I’d be happy to have conversations with atheists if they could 1. define terms without creating a dictionary cesspool, and 2. answer simple questions with sentences no more than ten words long.

    Have you guys seen the movie “Case for Christ”? Though not a huge Christian movie fan, I think they addressed a lot of atheist arguments well in it.

    1. I bet everyone will be surprised to know that Ark is shouting invisible replies, from moderation. LOL!

      Jasmine, he referenced you by name. Apparently he thinks you can see his comments briefly before they get kicked into the spam folder…

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