I know you’re supposed to say something thoughtful.

A friend of mine died yesterday and now that I’ve told you, you’re supposed to try to make me feel better.

You’re supposed to say something hopeful.

You got anything?

If not, I suggest you spend some time contemplating mortality.

Death makes wise people think about life.

My friend died yesterday but it could have easily been me.

Or you.

There’s a tomorrow coming when it will be me – or you.

And when it’s you, what thoughtful things should I say to your friends?

You were a passionate secularist.

It would be inappropriate to state my religious views during your memorial.

I’ll need some guidance.

Which pieces of scientific data would you like expressed at your funeral?

Should I quote David Hume or Bertrand Russell?

Would you rather I simply restate your paradoxical worldview?

“There is no meaning in the Universe but this person led a meaningful life.”

Secularist Philosophy

I’m happy to do that.

It’s your funeral, after all..

Today, since my friend is dead and you have nothing helpful to say…

…I’ll tell you how I’m coping.

My friend’s life was a deliberate act of God.

An infinitely intelligent being created my friend, on purpose, from an infinite number of possibilities.

So my friend is indescribably significant.

My friend is not gone.

He is with God.

You and I are headed toward the same fate.

We’re both headed toward God.

I will be welcomed as a member of the family.

My friend will be there and it’ll be a grand reunion.

You will be banished to spend eternity in the “meaning” you’ve constructed for yourself.

Your proud intellectualism will be your home forever.

You spent your life proclaiming there is no God.

You will be right!

There will be only you.

Alone in your godless void.

Swallowed up by the meaninglessness you predicted.


You cry out to your maker and beg Him to adopt you.

He will.

That’s the reason He made you.

That’s the reason He made my friend.

That’s the reason for everything.

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5 Responses

  1. I am always comforted by the verse that Paul wrote that we mourn but not like those who have no hope. It looks like you done an excellent job of comforting yourself any words I might have would pale in comparison. I do like the idea of comedy funeral service I think people are much better listeners when they are laughing. I would be happy to have you “overproduce” mine. I have been to a funeral or two where the vapor that our lives are has been explained in all seriousness but I don’t know that I have ever heard of anyone coming to Christ in that setting .I hope it happens but I have personally not seen it. To borrow Hawkins’ bit put the “fun” in funeral. I think some there would be more open to a gospel message after a good laugh. I won’t book a date yet with the Peaches.
    13 Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.

  2. Other than my condolences and a little empathetic sadness for the news that your friend has briefly left his meat suit before you … there’s nothing more hopefull to say.
    Because it’s obvious you GET IT!

    God blessed you with some great words for us today Mr. Branyan. I’m hopeful that many will be blessed. Likewise, many will be vexed by the truth that their life is meaningless without God. My hope is they seek and find Him before their time here is over.

    You know what? Since you get it, and I get it… I’m thinking of putting a deal in my will that hires you to do a comedy wake for me when I go.

    You could call it Comedy Sojourn: Trail’s End.

    Lord willing, (I’m 57) you’ll have a few more years to work on new material. (As long as you include “God invented Farts”. THAT is truth that needs to be told at every funeral.)

    1. What a great idea, BBB! John, you could have a second career, doing stand-up wakes for those of us in your Christian family who are going Home.

      I had a Near Death Experience, and it was at first amazingly wonderful, but agonizing being sent back and having to remain here a while longer.

      I Love God to the utmost, with every fiber of my being, and cringe at the agony awaiting those who have rejected God, and their chosen eternity without Him and His infinite love.

      I’m sad that you won’t share the remainder of your life on Earth with your friend, but delighted that God has designed, with loving care for you both, your joyful reunion in your Father’s Mansion. The temporary separation is a true, and legitimate, sorrow (even Jesus wept at the death of his friend and the grief of Lazarus’ family while knowing of his resurrection). Weeping, sorrow is ok, yet God’s kids have such a powerful hope and promise of joy that will wipe away all tears. I’m grateful you have this comfort, grateful your friend’s soul is safely Home, and that your soul is safe.


  3. This would be IMHO, much better if you used the correct spelling “led” instead of “lead”.

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