Because church people generally don’t read the Bible or use any critical thinking skills, the modern-day false teachers have successfully persuaded large numbers of Christians to give up being right. Thousands of alleged Christ-followers have been duped into believing that correct theology makes Jesus sad.

“John, you jerk! We’re supposed to speak truth in love!!! Nobody cares how much we know until they know how much we care!!!! JESUS WANTS US TO BE LOVING, YOU IDIOT!!!!”

Is that right?

It has been suggested to me (more than once) that it is actually possible to be right and wrong at the same time. I can be ‘right’ in my theology but ‘wrong’ in the way I communicate it. Often, the term ‘bible-thumper’ is used to help me visualize the concept. I’m asked to picture street-preachers angrily screeching at strangers about their eternal home in Hell if they refuse to repent.

I’ve heard stories of obnoxious Christians standing outside abortion clinics, shouting unkind things at the frightened little girls seeking help.

I’ve heard from dozens of former Christians that it was the lack of love they received from the church that drove them away from Jesus. I’m repeatedly told these unloving Christians are more concerned with being right than being Christlike.

Is that right?

The idea that love is more important than truth (or knowledge) is not found in scripture. That comes from westernized Humanism. The problem with criticizing me for my concern with ‘being right’ is that you believe IT IS RIGHT to criticize me. I could now charge you with being un-Christlike but I won’t do that because you haven’t duped me into believing your diabolical false doctrine.

Christians: Dismiss those teachers who encourage you to give up being right. They are not on the path to righteousness.

(1 Timothy 6:20) O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge,” for by professing it some have swerved from the faith. Grace be with you.

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