Ran across this scolding from a pastor and thought it deserved a little attention.
“Her name is Kat Von D…After finding faith she has come out as a new CHRISTIAN. A couple of weeks ago she was baptized in a small Baptist church…”
Great! Thanks for letting us know a new soul was added to the Kingdom!
“I read an article today where she tragically stated that even though the majority of her followers are non-believers, the worst criticism and vitriol she has gotten for receiving Christ is from other people claiming to be Christians.”
Well…criticism and vitriol are not the same thing. Do you have any clue what was actually said to Kat and specifically who said it? If not, then you’re jumping to conclusions based on her word alone. That’s not a good idea, Pastor.
“So what she wears black! So what she’s covered with tattoos! She is a new follower of Christ and if you truly know Christ she is now your sister!!”
Yes, she is a sister. And you are claiming to be a brother. So, stop the drama. It’s certainly possible there are immature Christians antagonizing Kat for her clothing choices but I doubt they are influential. I’ll bet they’re largely ignored within their congregations because they’re bitter, biblically ignorant legalists. Hopefully her pastor will tell Kat to disregard the rantings of these people. Their opinions don’t matter.
“The sad truth is that the biggest deterrent to people knowing Christ is the very people who say they follow him!”
See? That’s why you need to calm down. Your emotions are short circuiting your brain. Good grief! You’re a pastor! If Christians are the biggest deterrent to people knowing Christ, whose fault is that? (Hint: The Pastor.) Perhaps you ought to step up your preaching and fix the legalism problem in your flock.
“Seems many of us have forgotten our own sinful past and also failed to remember that Jesus always ran to the broken, marginalized, outcast and unaccepted. We must do better!!”
Seems at least one of us doesn’t realize that sinfulness is not in the past. It’s happening right now. It’s hard to imagine a more despicable act than using a woman recently rescued from her life as a broken, marginalized outcast to draw attention to yourself. You must do better!!
“As for me… I’m thrilled she is a part of the family!”
Yes. You should work on being thrilled for new believers without trashing the old ones. We’re part of the family too.
(Matthew 23:15) “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.”