One of the easier things you’ll ever do is order a sandwich from Chick-Fil-A.
During regular business hours, just walk-up and place your order.
(I referenced businss hours to avoid being flooded with ‘What about Sunday’ jokes…)
Chick-Fil-A doesn’t check your I.D.
You don’t have to sign any papers.
The products and services are freely available to everyone.
Ironically, Chick-Fil-A is frequently mislabeled as a ‘Christian’ business.
Their business practices are no more Christian than Starbucks or McDonald’s.
Chick-Fil-A is far too inclusive to be Christian.
Sam’s Club is more like Christianity.
Unless you’re a member of Sam’s Club, you don’t get the benefits.
You gotta show your card to even get in the place!
You pay, up front, for the privilege of shopping at Sam’s.
Jesus approves of this business model.
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field .”
Jesus Christ – Sam Walton’s inspiration…?
Currently, you don’t need to sell everything you own to afford a Sam’s Club membership.
But the benefits aren’t as good either.
Jesus never, ever, ever, ever, ever…EVER said His products and services were for everyone.
“Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. “
John 14:23
There are some up front costs to Christianity.
Posting “I Love Jesus” on Facebook doesn’t get you into the Kingdom of Heaven.
That won’t get you into Sam’s Club either.
The Christianity contract includes obeying Jesus commandments.
You should definitely read that contract.
It costs a lot more than a chicken sandwich.
Because it’s worth more.
Infinitely more.
Don’t be fooled by the people telling you Jesus loves everybody.
Jesus loves his bride.
(That’s the church.)
He is eternally faithful to her.
Only those who are faithful to Him get a membership card.
12 Responses
This is puzzle to lots of people. We cannot do anything to achieve salvation, no works, but God gives us salvation freely. We just have to have faith in the gift of salvation Jesus offers us. We have to trust Him.
Blasphemy! How dare you insult the greatness of Chik-Fil-A
The start of the article starts with a huge allusion to the ever popular tithing Scripture, “Freely you have recieved; freely give.”
Which got me thinking:
Right as you are that one must be a member of Christ’s body, is it possible that Chick-fil-A is the gateway to get to Sam’s Club? For that matter, should Sam’s Clubs incorporate Chick-fil-A into their store so that people have a chance to be a member now having tasted of what has been freely given?
(I’m most likely stretching the metaphors a little bit, but I think the point is clear).
This is fantastic. 😂 Stretch away!
If Sam’s Club decides to put a Chick-Fil-A in every store, I’m not going to protest! I think your mixing metaphors is appropriate. Thanks for posting.
Not to step on Josiah (because he can correct me if I’m wrong), but I think he’s proposing that there should be a SAM’S in every CHIK-FIL-A–not the other way around.
Come to Chik-Fil-A to taste what is freely given… Then stay, and become a member. 🙂
Ah. That does make more sense. I was just eager to justify buying my Sam’s Club membership.
The best thing you ever wrote.
Of course my memory is limited, so, it may just be the best thing you wrote today.
But, it’s really thoughtful. And kinda true.
I like it.
I like Sam’s Club, too.
But Sam’s Club is even better when you use the scan and go App.
But, it’s not as good as Christianity.
I’ve had several friends push the Sam’s app to me. I’ve not tried it yet but I think I understand the appeal.
I think I might be missing your point here because usually you say correct things but I’m not sure that the end of your post is correct. John 3:16 says that God loves the world which includes persons who do not subscribe to Christianity or even Judaism. Doesn’t the message of the cross give us gentiles access to be a part of his club when we couldn’t qualify? I agree that Jesus loves his bride, but I believe that Jesus loves everyone even when some do not love him back. Jesus said in his sermon on the mount that we should love those who hate us because it’s an easy thing to love those who love you. I don’t believe that Jesus pulled that out of a vacuum. I believe he said it because he’s been doing it since the beginning. I think you might have meant to say that the kingdom of heaven is like Sam’s Club.
Indeed. Romans 5:8 – while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. He loved and died for us with no guarantee that we would choose to repent and love Him back.
Fair enough. I won’t argue that Kingdom of Heaven is a better term than Christianity. Problem is, that would have made my already unwieldy title even longer.
I agree that Jesus loves everyone. John 3:16 does indeed say God loves “the world” but it doesn’t end there. It says “that whosoever believes…gets a membership card”. God’s love makes it possible for everyone to be part of Christ’s beloved church. God doesn’t force membership on us.