Across the ocean in the United Kingdom, a group of Humanists have committed themselves to stamping out discrimination and indoctrination in education. One particularly plucky pagan has setup an online fundraising page to collect money to be used in irradicating indoctrination.

I hope you Humanists give sacrificially to this important cause. Ending religious bias should be the number one priority for every proponent of secular religion. You ought to give without discrimination, confident that a few thousand dollars in the hands of some disgruntled Humanists is all that’s required to rid the world of faith.

You secularists should sell your homes and liquidate your assets. Send all the money to Humanists UK. Do it right now! Just imagine the good that will result from giving these selfless atheists vast quantities of cash. The more money you send them, the more mankind benefits! Be generous!

Time for you disciples of godlessness to put your money where your mouth is. Write a check. Sow a seed. Indoctrinating children with a hatred for indoctrination is an expensive undertaking. Will you sacrifice for your values?

Many Christians indiscriminately throw money at anyone who tells them it’s for a good cause. If you are truly opposed to discriminating, you should do likewise.

(Luke 12:34) For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

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2 Responses

  1. ……..I only give to where the Lord leads me to give to. We can’t give our money to everything

  2. Why don’t the atheist give, if they’re so against Discrimination and indoctrination instead of abusing Christian’s heart of giving?

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