I ignored this little piece of skewed theology the first half dozen times it passed before my eyes but it won’t go away so I’ll make fun of it in hopes that you’ll stop sharing it.

Which Judas are you proposing as the test of my Christianity? That was a common biblical name and there were two of them listed among Jesus’ apostles. Since Judas son of James is so obscure that you forgot about him, I assume you’re talking about Judas Iscariot.

I’m doubtful that you’re sincerely encouraging me to love Judas Iscariot. This is the person that Jesus said it would be better that he not have been born. The guy killed himself in disgrace thousands of years ago and every representation of Judas since his self-inflicted death paints him as a bad guy. So you must be using ‘Judas’ as a metaphor for sinners. Right?

With this little piece of skewed theology, you’re suggesting that Christians should love sinners. Of course, you’re correct. There are numerous verses in the Bible that express that idea. I think it would be good if you posted one of those verses instead of this meme. Because the meme, as it stands, contradicts the Bible.

The ‘test of Christianity’ absolutely IS loving Jesus. Love for Christ is a non-negotiable aspect of Christian faith. Jesus used some intense hyperbole to make this point when he told us to hate our families in order to love Him (Luke 14:25). This piece of skewed theology literally says the test of Christianity is NOT loving Jesus! That is the opposite of what Jesus said.

To make things a little worse, loving Judas doesn’t make you a Christian. Loving Hitler, school shooters, homosexuals, alcoholics, drug abusers, child molesters, poor people, or planet Earth won’t make you a Christian either. There are many people on the road to Hell who trust their love for mankind will save them. Those people will find this meme quite encouraging.

If you’re determined to post a ‘test of Christianity,’ allow me to suggest an alternative meme:

(John 14:23) Jesus replied, “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.”

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