Hey everyone! It’s John “Not-A-Horse” Branyan with another thought on life in America, “Land of Opportunity.” Before I take one more step into the toxic minefield of public discourse, let me carefully, genuinely, lovingly, compassionately, earnestly, and sincerely offer a DISCLAIMER: This IS NOT MEANT TO DESCRIBE EVERYONE IN ANY PARTICULAR GROUP.

Before I take ANOTHER step let me say that the need to write the above paragraph concerns me far more than any germ or virus. COVID-19 cannot destroy a soul. But hatred can and will.

I thought about posting some of the comments from my Facebook page. I decided against it for several reasons.

  1. There are too many. I’m afraid pasting them all into my blog will overflow the internet. (DISCLAIMER: That is intended as a joke. It is meant to exaggerate the number of comments on my Facebook page and should not be understood literally. I know the internet doesn’t ‘fill up’ like a physical object.)
  2. They are vile. Contrary to some opinions (DISCLAIMER: Not EVERYONE shares this opinion.) I do not enjoy upsetting people. It is not my place to subject my blog readers to the language of Hell against their wishes. The link is provided for context. Clicking it is your decision.
  3. Individual comments are unimportant. (DISCLAIMER: The PEOPLE who wrote the comments are important. I am not de-humanizing anyone.) I want to consider the commentary as a whole without regard for the individuals behind each statement. (DISCLAIMER: The individuals should be afforded the highest regard. People are important.)

Some people believe the internet has multiplied the amount of evil in the world. These people say that social media fans the flames of outrage and creates divisiveness. They say Facebook makes people mean. I think those people are mistaken. (DISCLAIMER: Mistaken people are still worthy of respect and love. I do NOT think people should be destroyed for mistakes. I do not think mistakes and evil are the same thing.)

Facebook has not created more evil. It has EXPOSED the evil that is already present. Evil that is all around me. Evil that consumes people who I thought were friends. (DISCLAIMER: Not all of my friends are consumed with evil.) Evil lavished upon me from people I don’t know at all. From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Social media is just a megaphone that amplifies the volume. (DISCLAIMER: Using social media is not an act of evil. Sometimes Facebook contains wonderful content.)

I’m going to say something that is not intended to be bragging. (DISCLAIMER: I know bragging is obnoxious and wrong.) I’ve never felt like destroying someone’s life. I know the identity of the people responsible for sending the demonic hordes after me. If I felt like it, I could launch a counter-strike. I could damage them. I could hurt them. But…I don’t want to.

I can’t take credit for lacking the desire to do harm. Something inside of me is preventing my human nature from taking charge. For the past couple of days I’ve felt a lot of emotions and some of them were quite dark. Yet, the darkness didn’t last long enough for me to act on it. I didn’t have time to amass an army of hateful warriors and point them toward my “enemies” before my motivation for “revenge” disappeared. That is not because I’m a great person. (DISCLAIMER: I’m not a great person. I’m saying that goodness is coming from a source other than my natural self. I am not claiming any personal virtues.)

When this quarantine is finally lifted and we get back to normal, the evil is still going to be here. All around me. It will masquerade as compassion. It will insist it cares about all people. It will pretend to be a selfless servant – but it is a serpent. (DISCLAIMER: The term “serpent” is a metaphor. I am not suggesting that snakes are evil. Animals can’t be evil. Also, it is not evil to keep a snake as a pet.)

(DISCLAIMER: You can skip the following two paragraphs if you’ve never contacted a stranger and told him to go F*** himself.)

You cannot fix evil by yourself. The rage and hatred in your heart will destroy you. It will destroy your family. It will destroy every trace of joy in your life. If you’re thinking, “Who are you to preach to me, Branyan? I’m out here risking my ass saving lives while you sit home and mock me! Go F*** yourself!” – That’s the evil talking. It’s clouding your soul. It is killing you.

Curse that evil and beg for God’s help. Ask Him to replace your heart. Ask Him to renew your mind. Ask Him to reveal truth. The truth will set you free. It is an indescribably good thing to be free.

What will remain when the quarantine is lifted – is evil. It will fill the hearts of truck drivers, police officers, utility workers, farmers, food service employees, postal employees, communications professionals, and let’s see…did I miss anybody? I don’t think so. (DISCLAIMER: None of the occupations listed are evil in and of themselves. And there are certainly members of all occupation groups who are not filled with evil.)

Evil will not subdue me. It will not silence me. I will endure whatever punishment I deserve for speaking truth. I know the end of this story. Evil does not triumph.

(DISCLAIMER: I am not going to riddle all my future posts with DISCLAIMERS. I’m attempting to demonstrate the tediousness of communicating in our hyper-sensitive, thin-skinned culture using what I intend to be light satire. I am fully aware that some people will find it “not funny” and I respect their opinions. Some have asserted that other comedians are funnier than me and I have no sufficient rebuttal for that claim. I celebrate these people’s individuality and wish them nothing but good for the rest of their lives. At the same time, I know that satire has the potential to hurt someone’s feelings when it is taken personally. (DISCLAIMER: This article was written to address characteristics of human beings in general. Any similarities to specific individuals is coincidental.))

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14 Responses

  1. I remember when I first started reading your blog and the comments that followed…I was utterly shocked that people could be so mean! I was so young…so naive. Now, Iā€™m just annoyed. But the way you and Peaches handle their funk is truly admirable, and entertaining. šŸ™‚

  2. Keep on preaching! You are spot on and remember when people hate you they hated Jesus first! It makes me so sad that we can’t have humor in our world without having to have a bunch of disclaimers.
    May God continue to give you wisdom

  3. John. Thank you for so creatively stating the work of God’s Spirit in us. My dad always used to say, “When the cup is bumped, what’s inside spills out.”

  4. I almost allowed myself to sink into my natural state of melancholy when I read the comments, but Jesus calls me to keep my eyes on Him.
    I despise what this culture has become. Iā€™m sorry and disgusted by the attacks leveled at you.
    Good Lord, deliver us from evil.

    1. It is good to be reminded (occasionally… hopefully, not EVERY DAY) of what we would have without Jesus. A world without grace is a terrible place to live.

  5. I’ve read this and the nonsense YOU stirred on Facebook. You are very much filled with self-righteousness, and only come across as passive- aggressive and patronizing. We are not evil and filled with hate…we are just calling a duck a duck.

    1. I am neither a duck nor a horse.

      Man’s anger does not bring about God’s righteousness. (James 1:20)

      God will give you a fresh heart if you ask Him to do it.

  6. I get it, I appreciate your heart in what you write, and agree completely.
    Having had a very angry family member shout at me on the phone and completely excoriate me after I posted your first commentary, I really feel your pain. Words hurt, and while forgiveness is the correct and best response, FORGETTING what has been said (or written) accusing you of every manner of character deficiency is more difficult. We now have a rift in our family that will take some time to heal. All because of a difference of OPINION.

    The enemy we face on a daily basis, the one who we know LOSES in the end, is amping up the discord in a major way, even among Christians. Makes me sad.
    Makes me look forward even more to that Final Day, when we will be done with evil. Eternally.
    Right now, I just feel weary.

    1. I hear you.
      I’m trying to remember it takes God’s strength to stand against overwhelming odds. I don’t need God when everyone is patting me on the back…and that’s the problem.

  7. Wow, that would have been a lot easier (and faster) to read without all the disclaimers … at least, for those of us fluent in the comedic trifecta of “S” languages (Snark, Sarcasm, and Satire)! But thanks for adding the disclaimers so that humor-impaired people can appreciate the article as well. šŸ™‚ [DISCLAIMER: Yes, I borrowed the phrase “humor-impaired people” from humor columnist Dave Barry, many years ago — it’s just so perfect that it has become part of my normal vocabulary and nomenclature.]

  8. John *not-a-horse* Branyan…speaking the truth with snark-ism and disclaimers…you are fabulous! (billy crystal impression) (clapping)

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