black cross on top of mountain

Q: What’s the difference between a pastor who ‘calls out conservative Christians’ and a straight-up enemy of the church?

A: The pastor has reserved parking at the building and gets to speak on Sunday morning.

This is an actual bio from an actual person I actually lifted from the internet:

“[Name Withheld] is a pastor and author of 25 years. His transition away from conservative Evangelicalism has served thousands around the world in discovering a faith that doesn’t require one to lose their mind, heart, and self in the process. [Name] purposes his writing on being a voice for the spiritually oppressed that they may know they are loved, affirmed, and not alone, while also calling the evils of modern, conservative Christianity out of the shadows.”

The Bible doesn’t speak to ‘conservative Christians’ or ‘progressive Christians’ or ‘Evangelical Christians’ or ‘any-other-descriptive-word-you-want-to-use Christians.’ According to the Bible, the church is made up of just ‘Christians.’ Since it is appropriate to disregard the qualifiers, attacking ‘conservative Christians’ is just attacking Christians.

What are the ‘evils of modern, conservative Christianity?’ The pastor makes generalized references to hate and bigotry but won’t specifically support his accusations with scripture. It turns out, the ‘evils’ are NOT actual sins. They’re simply disagreements with progressive dogma. In the pastor’s religion, you’re evil if you’re not a leftist.

So, the ‘thousands around the world’ the pastor has served ‘in discovering a faith that doesn’t, blah, blahbbity, blah-blah,’ are not Christians. They’re political pawns. The pastor told them that ‘progressive Christianity’ is Christianity. The truth is that it’s just Progressivism. It has nothing to do with Christ.

When a pastor tells you he’s ‘calling out the evils’ of some other brand of Christianity, he’s using the name of Christ to preach a false gospel. Christianity only comes in one variety. There are disagreements on some specific points of doctrine but Christians all agree that Jesus is the way, truth, and life. A house divided against itself does not stand. Anyone who chooses politics over Christ is not a member of God’s kingdom.

(Galatians 3:28) There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

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