blue and white planet display

There really are people who believe the Earth is flat, outer space is a hoax concocted by scientists, the light from the Moon makes things colder and, gravity doesn’t exist. As hard as that may be to believe, there’s a group of people claiming to be Christians who don’t think it matters; which tells me that some of my fellow believers need a gentle reminder.

GENTLE REMINDER: “It matters what people believe.”

It matters A LOT what people believe.

“John, you jerk! Why does it bother you that these folks hold whacky beliefs? Why should you have an opinion about it?!”

Christians are (supposed to be) zealots for the truth. That includes truths that don’t have a chapter and verse reference in the Bible. It ‘bothers me’ that people believe the Earth is flat for the same reason it ‘bothers me’ that people believe exterminating babies is healthcare. I don’t pick and choose which truth is important. Scripture doesn’t approve a single falsehood. Every lie leads to disaster. There are no inconsequential beliefs.

Jesus claimed to be ‘The Truth.’ That means, everything that is not the truth, is not of Christ. Every wrong thought opposes God. While there is nothing I can do to prevent counterfeit beliefs from occurring, my love for ‘The Truth’ makes me intolerant of anything false. If I care about people I’ve got to tell them, “It matters what you believe.”

(2 Thessalonians 2:10) They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

Christian Comedy for Hire

If you like my blog even a little bit, then you should know I do Christian Comedy live shows! It’s all the faith and fun you read here, but on stage, it’s even more hilarious. Hire me for your next corporate bash, church event, or school function, and let’s make it a night of laughs with my unique brand of Christian Comedy!

three little pigs

Three Little Pigs

Three Little Pigs in Shakespeare is available as a children’s book. Get the illustrated story based on my viral comedy routine from Amazon.  Makes a great gift for the word-lovers in your life. 

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