blue and white sky with stars

Since you started this silly game, I’ll play along.

Are you an expert on the subject of experts? No? Well…

…this may come as a shock to you, but your opinions about experts really do matter less than my own. You don’t know any more about experts than I do. In fact, you apparently know LESS than me on this subject.

Before you backpedal and try to tell me that your ARE an expert on experts, you should know that I’m NOT going to take your word for it. You’ll have to provide credentials certifying your expertise. I want to hear experts on the subject of experts testify about your qualifications to recognize experts (and those experts will also need to be vetted by experts who are vetted by experts…into infinity). You started this silly game! You must provide expert testimony verifying expert testimony verifying any expert testimony cited to verify your point of view!

“John, you jerk!!! I don’t even understand what you just said but I can tell it’s sarcastic and I hate your condescension and arrogance!!!! Plus,, you’re not an expert!!!!”

Experts often disagree with each other. So how do you decide which expert is correct? Easy! You go with your amateur opinion! You choose the expert opinion that most closely matches what you already believe. In other words, you lean toward confirmation bias. You didn’t select the expert because they are speaking truth. You picked them because they’re saying what you want to hear.

So please, spare me the sanctimonious appeal to authority. The expert opinion you prefer is not superior to the expert opinion that you reject. It’s not indoctrination nor elitism. It’s just that you don’t know as much as they do about the subject.

(Psalm 119:163) I hate and abhor falsehood but I love your law. Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws.

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2 Responses

  1. The problem is, they’ll say that we stand on what we believe because of pre-conceived biases, but they don’t realize they’re subject to pre-coceived biases too–just from an opposite angle. I’ve tried explaining that to people who want to argue this, but they just don’t see it. It all boils down to what experts or sources we agree with. Thankfully, we have The Holy Spirit to guide us.

  2. I see a lot of humor in this blog. I was chuckling when I was reading the part when you were talking about the testimony of experts. 🤣

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