The internet allows knowledge to spread quickly around the world.

The internet allows stupidity to spread just as quickly.

Actually, stupidity spreads faster than knowledge.

Acquiring knowledge requires a little effort.

Stupidity soaks in by osmosis.

Osmosis will teach you that Jesus was inclusive.

Stupidity raises no questions about statements like this:

“We know Jesus as loving and kind, but he was also a passionate advocate for change. History indicates he was a witty philosopher and a bold reformer. He is perhaps best known for reaching out to the disenfranchised—the women, the poor, the oppressed, the sick, the lepers, the tax collectors. Jesus made it clear that the kingdom of God—the here-and-now possibility of perfection on earth—was for everyone.

At the risk of upsetting the Jesus-was-a-social-reformer-who-loved-everyone-and-tolerated-everything folks…

…this is pretty stupid.

Jesus was not an ADVOCATE for change.

Jesus WAS the change.

Without Christ, we’re dead in our sins.

This was the repeated theme of his ‘witty philosophy’.

I am the way, the truth and the life…

He didn’t say, “I KNOW the way.”

And as for ‘reaching out to the disenfranchised’…

…your list is too short.

We were ALL disenfranchised from God.

(The Bible term is ‘sinners’ but I know that’s an ugly word that makes you feel icky and judged.)

Jesus was clear about what will happen when you decide to stay ‘disenfranchised’.

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.” – Mat. 7:21


Absolutely nowhere.

Did Jesus even hint at a ‘ here-and-now possibility of perfection on earth’.

The kingdom of heaven is NOT for ‘everyone’.

Jesus does not welcome sinners into God’s family.

Jesus welcomes sinless people into God’s family.

He’s very exclusive.

He’s completely intolerant of selfishness, wickedness, and rebelliousness.


There will be no unity until sin is removed.

And Jesus is the ONLY way to remove sin.


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