I don’t have anything to add to this.

For me, this was affirming, uplifting, and vindicating.

Read this.

Did you read it?

Really?  Don’t fib.

Regular readers know that I’ve exchanged ‘a few’ words with “de-converts”.

By ‘a few’, I mean approximately 274 billion.

This description of de-converted thinking is ON THE MONEY.

And, right on cue, the self-appointed “civility police” show up to criticize the sentiments.

…I will spare you the “following examples”.

You can read them here if you have the stomach for 1700 words of self-serving sanctimony.


The comment is a classic example of a judgmental Christian admonishing another Christian for being judgmental.

Rule #1 – Assert that keeping faith “private” is correct and righteous.

Rule #2 – Justify breaking Rule #1 because the circumstances demand it.

Rule #3 – Proclaim your love and respect thus giving yourself the latitude to say anything you want.

Rule #4 – Equate disagreement with being “unwelcoming”.

Rule #5 – Accuse the person who disagrees with you of “ending the conversation”.


Is it any wonder that people are leaving the church?

We have “tolerated” ourselves into irrelevance.

When the church is “all-inclusive”, there’s no reason to show up.

We’re all one, big, happy, welcoming family!

If you never crack open a Bible, repent of a sin, acknowledge the divinity of Jesus or even believe in God, you still belong!


Some of you think my writing style is too harsh.

I want you to know that I love and respect you.

But you’re making me feel unwelcome when you criticize me.

So, for the sake of unity, please…

…keep your opinions to yourselves.

You gonna keep lurking forever or are you gonna join this exclusive clique?
Stop procrastinating. Click This.

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2 Responses

  1. How are we supposed to grow when we’re all spitting on each other and claiming it’s raining? You can’t grow without controversy. Wrapping everybody in theological cotton wool is slowly killing Christianity. We need to grow up, do and say hard things. We’re creating a culture of soft marshmallows not spiritually sharp swords, and you can’t be sharpened without a few sparks.

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