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Christian Comedy That’s Funny
John Branyan is a seasoned professional known for his clean, family-friendly comedy that’s safe for all ages. As a Christian comedian and Dry Bar Comedy star, John brings laughs that are not only entertaining but also uplifting. His philosophy is that comedy is a gift from God, designed to help us navigate life’s struggles and find joy in the midst of suffering. Whether you’re searching for a comedian for hire near you or planning a special event, John’s humor will leave audiences inspired and smiling. Book him today for a performance that’s unforgettable!
The viral comedy routine is available as an illustrated storybook. Get a copy of this classic retelling of the three little pigs for your family. (It also makes an excellent gift…)
Christian Comedy Featured On

My brand new children’s book is available on Amazon! It’s a whimsical tale about acceptance, tolerance, values, and yo-yos.
Live Comedy Events
A Christian Comedian On Church, Politics, & Family

8 Things Christians Should Give Up To Reach Unchurched People
If you’re baffled as to why unchurched people aren’t exactly flocking to most churches, then you need to read this article! It has nothing to do rebellion, selfishness, or mankind’s

You’re Gonna Wanna Go Here
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own
Thanks For The Meme-ories
Most of the Christians I know won’t waste of time arguing with people who try to play chess with birds. Thankful to whom? And you’re only accustomed to playing with