8 Things Christians Should Give Up To Reach Unchurched People

If you’re baffled as to why unchurched people aren’t exactly flocking to most churches, then you need to read this article! It has nothing to do rebellion, selfishness, or mankind’s hatred of righteousness. The reason people aren’t flocking to church is because of YOU!

If you expect to reach unchurched people you need to quit making church all about church members. People won’t come to church if church is exclusively focused on people who come to church. Understand?

“And that’s exactly what far too many churches do: focus exclusively on the needs and wants of their members.”

A For Real Article Written By An Expert on Church Growth and Whatnot

When Jesus said, “Go and make disciples,” He meant, “Do whatever it takes to pack a building with people on Sunday morning.” From the beginning, the church was intended to be a bloated assembly of selfish, theological neophytes who think “discipleship” means never being uncomfortable. The reason attendance is down at your church might be because you’re preoccupied by minor issues like doctrine and neglecting the most important aspect of the Christian faith: feelings.

So here are 8 things you should give-up so that a bunch of people who hate God will start showing up on Sunday morning to drink your coffee and take advantage of free WiFi and childcare.

8. Music

Listen to the radio. Now compare that music to the stuff you’re singing on Sunday. Notice any difference? If the music you’re playing on Sunday morning doesn’t sound EXACTLY like the music pagans listen to throughout the week, then you are driving people away from Jesus.

7. Politics

Never talk about politics. Lost people have their own political views and it is offensive to suggest that Christianity should affect those views. Offended people WILL NOT COME BACK TO CHURCH! When you recklessly say controversial things like, “Babies are humans,” it only causes divisions. You are driving people away from Jesus.

6. Conviction

Some things are correct and some things are incorrect, right?
Ask yourself, “Do I want to be right or do I want a building full of people on Sunday morning?” Your personal opinions, tastes, beliefs, and convictions must (MUST!) be sacrificed for the sake of exponential church growth. Let the godless heathen tell you what they want and then GIVE IT TO THEM. When you refuse to meet their demands you drive them away from Jesus.

5. Scripture

The Bible is chock full of controversy. Controversy upsets the lost. When the lost are upset, THEY WON’T COME BACK TO CHURCH. If you MUST use the Bible, treat it like politics. Keep it private. Reading scripture will certainly drive people away from Jesus.

4. Money

It does no good to gain the world and lose your soul. Remember, saving is selfish. Spend money on sound equipment, furniture, projection screens, auditoriums, indoor playgrounds, staff salaries, and promotional materials. Instead of hoarding God’s resources, make flashy improvements to church property. It is inexcusable to have a savings account drawing interest while the church espresso machine is broken. The lost will notice your stinginess and be driven away from Jesus.

3. Friends

Too often, church members form deep relationships with one another and forget to reach out to the lost. When you hear the lost complain that the church is “clique-ish” or “unfriendly” then it’s time for you to end some friendships. Break away from your favorite people and dedicate yourself to the task of appeasing whiny strangers. Otherwise, you’re driving them away from Jesus.

2. Sense of Humor

The lost have a lot of problems and when you laugh, you’re telling them that you don’t care. The lost interpret humor as a lack of compassion. Jesus wept. He didn’t laugh. That’s because humor doesn’t foster unity but drives people away from Jesus.

1. Confidence

Nothing will repel the lost faster than portraying Christianity as “better” than other religions. The lost want to see humility. Boasting about the salvation offered through Christ without plainly stating that you “don’t have all the answers” projects an arrogance that pagans find distasteful. Set aside your pride and acknowledge that other religions offer some good things too. Constantly insisting that the only way to God is Jesus will eventually drive people away from Jesus.

BONUS: Terminology like, “the lost”

Give up using the term, “the lost” to refer to people who are lost. It makes the lost feel inferior. And never call anyone a sinner! Sinners are always viewed negatively. Use the word “unchurched” instead. “Unchurched” implies that a person is essentially good and decent but they haven’t officially identified as a member of a church. The reason they aren’t church members is because you haven’t made church attractive enough so be sure to apologize to the unchurched for driving them away from Jesus. It is attractive when Christians apologize!

It’s time for you to stop focusing on the needs and wants of brothers and sisters in Christ. You won’t find a single passage of scripture that tells Christians to bear each other’s burdens and love one another while being separate from the world. The scripture is clear that the purpose of the church is kowtowing to those who follow other gods.

Let’s drive the selfish Christians from the church to make room for the flocks of selfish heathens we’re reaching with the love of Jesus!

When a man’s ways are pleasing to the Lord,

he makes even his enemies live at peace with him.

Better a little with righteousness

than much gain with injustice.

Proverbs 16:7

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3 Responses

  1. The first comment is perfect, really!


    I got yelled at by wife for waking up the kids!

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