Believe it or not…you can’t believe everything you read online.

(This article is an exception.)

For instance, consider this article about a comedian who was going to quit comedy.

I know a little bit about comedians.

Comedians don’t perform material that they don’t believe will work.

Nobody has ever stood in front of an audience and thought, “I hope they hate this!”

There is no way that gay-friendly, anti-male material could fail.

No. Way.

If you believe Gadsby was going to quit comedy because she thought her shtick would marginalize her…

…I have a bridge to sell you.

Comedians don’t have to be funny if they’re gay.

I’m not saying gay comedians CAN’T be funny.

I’m saying it’s handy to blame homophobia for an audience’s lackluster response.

So, applaud this gay comedian’s tale of overcoming adversity if you like.

I’ll be over here rolling my eyes.

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4 Responses

  1. Compare this to the career of Owen Benjamin, who was basically exploded from everyone around him, for daring… DARING!! to suggest that kids shouldn’t be given hormone blockers, Hollywood is a cesspool of pedophilia and rape, and heaven forbid… using “The N-Word” in a comedy bit. (Owen’s white… and tall… and funny… so… yeah… everyone wanted him killed.

    Flash forward to him getting his Twitter account blocked FOR LIFE, and constant death threats and media reports calling him alt-right, a Nazi, a homophobe and the most dangerous person on the planet… he live-streams daily, and has an almost cultish (#NotACult) following of “Bears” who are loyal, good people, who have essentially made Owen the most popular comedian on the planet, NOT allowed to perform anywhere other comedians perform.

    I’m looking forward to you and Amanda interviewing him on your podcast some day.

    Shameless plug from a fan: for more info.

  2. So brave… for 1965.

    Though, I think it’s funny that she gets critiques from lesbian fans about a lack of lesbian content >_<. Not unlike critiques I've heard regarding Christian artists who don't mention Jesus enough. It's funny how tribal humans are.

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