(DISCLAIMER: No reason to read this one if you don’t identify as Christian.)

Okay, several of my fellow Christians are clueless about the role of POTUS.

(Also, several of you had to Google ‘POTUS’.)

I’m responsible to let you know when you’re being an idiot  judgment is faulty.

Your criticisms of Donald Trump are unreasonable bordering on hysterical.

Here are 3 thing you must stop demanding Donald Trump do.

Publicly condemn acts of violence.

Everyone who wasn’t raised by wolverines understands that violence is wrong.

If the President never mentions his disdain for murder, we all know it’s wrong to kill people.

“Hey, we should stop stabbing this guy!  I just read a tweet from the President!”

We all know driving a car into a crowd of people is wrong.

Even the guy who drove a car into a crowd of people knows it’s wrong.

(You watch.  During the trial, his defense lawyer will not say, “He killed a lady, what’s the big deal?”)

But here’s something the Holy Spirit has revealed to you but you weren’t listening:

If the President never mentions his disdain for murder, it doesn’t mean he’s pro-murder!

It is impossible to specifically condemn all evil.

Give the rest of us a little credit for being able to figure out what’s right and wrong without Trump’s help.

Publicly declare his Christianity.

If you need Trump’s faith to line-up with your own…

…God help you.

The President is a busy guy.

He’s not your pastor.

It’s not his job to provide you with daily devotionals.

Can you comprehend that not everyone in the United States is a Christian?

(Like, white supremacists for example…)

Imagine a future America with an outspoken atheist in the Oval Office.

Would it be cool hearing the President rail against Christianity at every press conference?

It isn’t Donald Trump’s responsibility to share the gospel.

It’s yours.

Apologize to people he doesn’t know.

Donald Trump doesn’t personally know everyone in the country.

(This is something you and he have in common!)

Your outrage about Trump’s tweets is misplaced.

He does not owe you an apology.

Differing opinions are not hate.

You know this, right?

Are you being “hateful” when you express your loathing of Donald Trump?

This is most important:

Apologies are for the person GIVING them, not for the person receiving them.

Nothing frees YOUR soul like an apology!

A sincere apology clears YOUR conscience and brightens YOUR outlook.

If you’re bitterly waiting for Trump to throw himself on the mercy of your court…

…you ought to apologize.


I’m no supporter of Donald Trump.

He is not going to solve any of my critical problems.

He doesn’t have the power to change my heart.

And I’m grateful for that.

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6 Responses

  1. That was so good!! Well-spoken and well said! It’s been sick and saddening listening to what everybody’s doing to him to tear him apart over everything. On the other hand it definitely brings me to my knees like I don’t do every day of my life.

  2. Great post!

    It falls under the category, “Get a brain of your own and learn how to use it.”

    Pravda-ZILLA (aka the mainstream media) is in the business of turning the masses into puppets with fake news (lies) and propaganda.

    Part of getting a brain of your own and learning how to use it is just keeping your eye on the ball.

    THE Donald is the ball.

    Tune everything else out.

  3. As usual, spot on! Sometimes I wish we would disagree because an argument with you is probably rather fun, but not this time. Thanks for this, though. I will be sharing it on FB.

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