Everybody Is Prejudice

an artist s illustration of artificial intelligence ai this image depicts ai safety research to prevent the misuse and encourage beneficial uses it was created by artist khyati trehan

To the charge of being prejudice I plead guilty. Assumptions and presuppositions color my perspective on every subject with which I am even slightly familiar. If I know anything at all about a topic, I’m prejudiced on it. I’m prejudiced against the flu, substance abuse, starvation, homelessness, armed robbery, bee stings, biting my tongue, and […]

Christ for All Nations (Except America)

Only a little over half of Evangelicals have even heard of ‘Christian Nationalism’ and if you’re one of them, I’m not talking to you. The majority of people who have heard the term are really uneasy about it because they’ve been told it’s a dictatorship that will force everyone to adopt the Christian faith. In […]

Condescension Is Compassion

jesus christ statue

In my continued effort to reduce needless suffering I’ll condescend to suggest that you cease being offended by my condescension. Your agitation is unwarranted. Gratitude is a more appropriate response than indignation. The dictionary definition of “condescension” is ‘voluntary descent from one’s rank or dignity in relations with an inferior.’ When I condescend to you […]

Creepy Neighbor

selective focus photography of person wearing mask

I heard a knocking sound coming from outside my house and when I opened the front door, I found a guy nailing a sign on the wall of my porch. He grinned at me and said, “Hello, neighbor!” “What are you doing?” I asked. Still grinning, he said, “I just think neighbors should get to […]

We Don’t Need Hell’s Embassy In Our Camp

Whenever I quote an atheist to demonstrate his folly, the atheist will show up and take credit for his foolishness. Despite my efforts to give him anonymity the narcissist is compelled to reveal himself. I’ve written a few times about the phenomenon of diplomatic atheists. These are self-appointed moderators of the conversation between religious people […]

The Most Rational Fool

The reason people say things like this about me: “The point is that [you] comes across as having a snobbish attitude and being a d***,” is because I don’t talk like Shane. My style of evangelism does not employ flattery. I don’t stroke the egos of people who hate Jesus in hopes that my ‘winsomeness’ […]

Get Rich and Famous by Shunning Fame and Fortune

If you’re a Christian who hasn’t yet found something today that offends you, here’s a cartoon that will provide an excuse for your ‘righteous indignation.’ Go ahead and drop a comment reminding everyone that even the worst sinners can be redeemed. Tell us that only God knows what’s in someone’s heart. Rebuke us for our […]

Not About Pole Dancing

lone pine tree growing on island surrounded by water

Mark Driscoll was kicked off the stage for criticizing the pole dancing performance of a shirtless male during James River Church’s Stronger Men’s Conference. Apparently, the conference planners thought eroticism was the right way to kick off a conference that (according to their press release), “exists to inspire and equip men to live out God’s vision for […]

Sorry To Inform You That God’s Not Going Away

“It only takes one generation refusing to serve God for the next generation to know nothing about Him.” Church people say this as a dire warning. Pagans make this statement with hopeful glee. It’s absurd no matter who says it. Christians…try to keep things in perspective. God doesn’t need us to be his public relations […]

What New Use For Words?

According to an article in the New York Post, the Mattel game company is apparently releasing a new version of ‘Scrabble’ in Europe. Unfortunately, they weren’t content to just introduce a new set of game rules but opted to say this, “The way we use words is constantly evolving and so is Scrabble, which is […]


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