Remember King Tut?

The alleged Egyptian Pharoah?

When I was in grade school, I went on a field trip to see the artifacts recovered from Tut’s tomb.

I thought King Tut was a historical person.

But now I know better!

He was made up by ancient Egyptians!


The Egyptians didn’t want to appear weak to other nations.

So they cobbled together a king myth to fool their enemies.

Kinda like what the Hebrews did when they invented “God”.

I figured this out from reading some atheist writing.

Those atheists are whip-smart thinkers!

They give no quarter to faith.

They demand evidence for everything, by golly.

Look at this:


Demonstrate that God exists so we won’t need faith!

Just some trust in our senses and rationality.

Atheists demand a demonstration that is: observable, testable, falsifiable, repeatable and predictable.

*Atheists: commence smirking because…

No demonstration can meet all that criteria.

So rationality demands we dismiss God as fiction.

…same with King Tut.

I refuse to accept Tut’s existence on faith.

Just the facts, baby!

Free-thought is so intellectually satisfying.

I’d be brimming with smug self-righteousness…

…except for one tiny problem that’s bugging me.

I can’t offer an observable, testable, falsifiable, repeatable and predictable demonstration…

…for my own existence.

So rationality demands that I dismiss myself as fiction.

I’ll wait for a demonstration of my consciousness.

Maybe one of the genius atheists can help me believe in myself.

Of course, the genius atheist will have to prove his own existence to me.

Which will be difficult when I don’t exist myself.

But I’ve got faith the atheists are up to the task!

You gonna keep lurking forever or are you gonna join this exclusive clique?
Stop procrastinating. Click This.

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38 Responses

  1. John, I believe you’ve hit on something here. Like with God, believing in King Tut is just another trick our mind plays on us, what we ignorant and superstitious theists call “faith.” What were we thinking! But, then again, what were we thinking? According to much smarter atheist eliminativists, there’s no such thing as intrinsic intentionality, therefore, I’m not using meaningful words and you’re not understanding them. That, too, is an illusion, a trick played on us by our bot brain. Of course, then this illusion must itself be an illusion.

    So, since we cannot actually be having this conversation, I will stop thinking I’m typing something here. Thank God for clear-thinking atheism. Oh wait…

  2. The laughable thing to me about the typical atheist position is their absolute rejection of faith and their clinging to scientific theory. We use scientific theory to prove things like the creation of the universe, except we can’t test that whole everything came from nothing hypothesis or the order in the universe came from complete disorder. News Flash!!!! It takes huge FAITH to believe any of that. You can’t run an experiment and prove any of it. Logic and reason from observation of the universe and in particular the Earth say there is a Creator who designed all of it, but don’t let logic and reason mess up a Godless belief system.
    God has made Himself known through His creation. You choose not to accept the evidence well that is on you, not God and not Christians.

  3. My blood pressure has been a tad elevated since giving birth.
    I’m not sure I can take any more bombshells!!!!

      1. Next you’re going to tell me the Exodus never happened… And I don’t think I can function with that knowledge!!!

  4. Atheists demand a demonstration [that God exists] that is: observable, testable, falsifiable, repeatable and predictable.

    No demonstration can meet all that criteria.

    So rationality demands we dismiss God as fiction.

    Congratulations! You’ve finally seen the light of reason. My job is complete.

      1. The sermon’s over. You’ve openly admitted you can not demonstrate the awesomeness of your God, which means your God is impotent.

        Let us close with Hymn #32: How Weak Thou Art

          1. Ad homs? I’m afraid you’re losing your comedic touch, Mr. Branyan.

            Here, let me help you get your mojo back with a knock knock joke.

            Knock knock.
            Who’s there?
            Joseph and Mary.
            Sorry. No vacancy.

          2. My comedic touch is still golden!

            I write a post lampooning a stupid worldview.
            You (and Ark) show up and profess that exact worldview. The biggest laugh is your cluelessness to all of it! LOL

          3. Whose worldview are you lampooning? Certainly not mine. So basically, you’re just lampooning your own contrived notion of what others think.

          4. Lol. This is why a good Atheist shouldn’t EVER say, “Yes–you understand my reasoning,” to a Theist. EVER.

            No matter what the Theist says, the Unbeliever should deny they have a position at all. (Try phrases like, “I never said…” or “Whose worldview is THAT??”) Ron should have led with that last comment instead of congratulating you for seeing “the light” of his impossible standards.

          5. Right.
            Most of the other atheists have abandoned their efforts to make a point. They simply call me names.

          6. Ron can try that next if he wants…
            Points hurt when they get turned back on you. #poke

          7. I did a better job explaining the atheist position than any atheist ever has. That’s why he’s upset.

          8. See, this is what I mean. You don’t understand what you attempt to lampoon.

            The scientific method is a process used to determine how the world works — not a worldview.

          9. Yes! Switch to defining terms now! That’s a good way to divert attention from your blunder.

            You can’t use the scientific method to prove King Tut existed. This isn’t a controversial statement. Arguing with me about this just makes you look stupid.

          10. Please pay attention, sir!

            My opening comment focused on “a demonstration that is: observable, testable, falsifiable, repeatable and predictable.”

            That describes the scientific method. No switching involved.

          11. The scientific method cannot be used to demonstrate King Tut existed. That is the point.

          12. Uh…

            No one else is struggling to understand except you. Lol!

            If the scientific method is the ONLY thing a person trusts to tell him about reality, then he can’t believe in King Tut.

            This isn’t difficult. The blog post applies your demand for more scientific evidence CONSISTENTLY. Turns out, consistency makes God-denial look stupid! 🙂

          13. We’ll need at least 300 more comments to reach agreement that it’s not a leopard.

          14. “I didn’t say that the Scientific Method ISN’T a leopard. I simply lack belief that it’s not, not, not a boardgame.”
            –Atheists, probably

          15. “The scientific method cannot be used to demonstrate King Tut existed. That is the point.”

            What’s King Tut got to do with it? That was the the straw man you built up to cirmcumvent addressing the comment you quoted within your post, namely:

            Mark, please demonstrate your god to me and I will agree with you. Then we won’t have to discuss belief and faith, but rather facts. In this I would like to see your demonstration to be: observable, testable, falsifiable, repeatable, and predictable. TIA

          16. You don’t know what a straw man is.

            By all means, keep saying things though! I appreciate your help proving the point!

  5. Oops, the above link is to a TED talk that I thought you might enjoy, John. 😊

    This can be might a bit boring for the first 15 minutes, if you hate math, but what follows creates in me the same awe and love that King David describes in so many of his Psalms, especially Psalm 8. ❤️😊❤️

    The Mandelbrot Set:

  6. 👏🏻Corey👏🏻 Yes, I often think of the book of Romans when I see the atheist responses to John’s commentaries. It’s a very sad day when God’s Spirit no longer contends with a prideful, arrogant man, and allows his mind to be darkened and given over to his own pride and lusts; where he can no longer experience wonder or see God’s glory and Presence in His creation. We can only hope in God’s great love and compassion for those so lost, that they can hear and be like Nineveh in the time of Jonah.

    John, you bring to mind some funny riffs on Descartes “I think, therefore I am”. (I hope you never stop thinking, dear Sir! Poof!)

    You brought me back in memory to the amazing King Tut exhibit. 😊
    Didn’t the museum and Steve Martin prove the existence of King Tut? 😂

    This I find to be amazingly wonderful. A fellow scientist aptly calls the Mandelbrot Set “The Thumbprint of God”. 😊

    (Fractals rock! We even have fractal tissue structures in our lungs that help us breathe – how amazingly wonderful is that? God’s designs are breathtaking – even better: God-breathed 😊❤️)

    1. Exactly what I was thinking. Honestly I wouldn’t have a single problem with atheists if they had the guts to admit their own worldview’s inconsistencies. I’m happy to let people know I don’t have all the answers where God is concerned.

      And now we wait for the inevitable.

  7. I know that spouting any kind of Scripture rarely helps when dealing with these “intellectuals,” I cannot help to think of what Paul was thinking about in his introduction in Romans.

    For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
    Romans 1:20‭-‬25

    Just when the thinkers feel they have uncovered ground-breaking knowledge, we let them know there is nothing new under the sun. Old, worn out, and useless.

    Thanks for your outstanding posts!

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