white clouds

One of my favorite questions to be asked is, “Do you think you’re better than me just because you’re a Christian?” I furrow my brow, hold my hands up defensively, lower my gaze to the floor and answer, “Yes.” That shockingly honest answer requires some clarification so I quickly add, “In every possible way, I’m much better than you.”

Because of Christ, I get to sit at the dinner table with the God who splits seas, calms storms, and causes mighty trees to grow from tiny seeds. Because of Christ, I can speak directly to Him who made the stars.

The same God who invented gravity is directing the events of my life. My finances, education, relationships, health, and well-being are in the hands of He who feeds the birds and paints the flowers.

Because of Christ, my future is foretold. The grave is not the end of my life. Whatever suffering I experience on Earth serves only to multiply the joy in eternity. Sorrow is not a permanent condition.

Because of Christ, I am free. I don’t worry about what laws the dopey politicians pass. The kingdoms of Earth rise and fall. I am a citizen of Heaven. My eternal home is a place of perfect justice. The shackles of tyrants do not hold God’s children.

Because of Christ, I have an identity. My self-esteem never plummets when I lose. Who I am is not determined by how I feel. It is not my job to declare my “real self.” God tells me who I am.

Because of Christ, I am clean. When my selfishness causes me to sin, I confess it and God take it away. Instantly! I don’t need to blame others for my mistakes. I don’t need “coping mechanisms” because I don’t need to “cope” with guilt, shame, or depression.

So…yes. Christianity makes me better than you. That’s the reason I became a Christian in the first place. Why would I bother with a religion that doesn’t improve me?

The good news is that Christianity is available to you too. The moment you surrender your terrible life to Jesus, you become a brand new, better person. But that’s totally your call. If you think your religion makes you better than me— stick with it!

“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

– Luke 12:6

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