A few years ago there was a biker brawl in Waco, Texas.

Yes. People were killed.

That’s a bad thing.


Have you ever been part of a biker gang?


Then don’t judge.

You haven’t walked in those biker’s shoes (boots).

They’re the real victims.

Stereotyped for years.

Portrayed as the ‘bad guys’ in movies.

Of course they’re going to act out.

They just want to be heard.

Shame on the Church for not understanding.

Carrying brass knuckles doesn’t make a person ‘a thug’.

I have friends who carry them…


…that’s not true.

But YOU probably have friends who carry brass knuckles.


Then quit judging!

To those of us outside the biker culture,

it seems criminal to hit someone with a chain.

But we don’t understand the context.

I blame the restaurant…(Twin Peaks).

They were asking for trouble.

What did they think would happen when they established “Biker Night”?

Christians…we’re called to love.

Everyone with a preschool understanding of the Bible knows that.

No matter what.

Love! Love! Love! Love!

Don’t comment about the guys opening fire in a restaurant,

…until you’ve shared a meal with those guys.

Get to know them.

Understand them.

You’ll quickly realize that you’ve got a lot in common.

Sure, you’ve never smacked a rival biker in the face with a crowbar,

or set fire to a Costco…

or engaged in fisticuffs with law enforcement officers…

but you aren’t a biker.

Until you’ve walked (or ridden) their path,

you can’t comment on their behavior.

I don’t mean to insult anyone’s intelligence, but there are a few people who need me to state the following: The above post is satirical. It is intended to mock the idea that Christians must establish a relationship with sinners before telling them the truth about their sin.

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8 Responses

  1. Preach it Bro. John! Your post reminded me (for unknown reasons) that Michael Jackson’s “Bad” video really portrayed street gangs in a negative light. I’m sure glad he left biker gangs alone. Biker gangs would’ve surely become more violent had they’d been portrayed in the same way (while wearing red leather “Thriller” jackets). And don’t get me started on his portrayal of zombies and catlike werewolf things. Great! Now I’m getting angry!

    1. Remain calm, Kevin. Zombies are always portrayed unfavorably on television but they laugh all the way to the bank.

  2. I hate to be the one to say it, but letter is load of baloney. It is nothing more than an excuse for violence. The same logic was used to rationalize the Ferguson and Baltimore violence. It wasn’t a choice that they made, but it was the stereotyping and being portrayed as “bad guys” by movies and the culture. REALLY?

    “To those of us outside the biker culture, it seems criminal to hit someone with a chain. But we don’t understand the context.” No, it doesn’t seem. It is criminal to hit someone with a chain simply because he is not in your “gang”. Of course, some want to blame the restaurant. Why? They should have KNOWN the bikers were violent criminals! Excuse me, but isn’t that the very stereotyping you are condemning society and the Church for.

  3. “Love is all you need.”
    Soppy, sentimental, check your brains at the door, looooove.
    Jesus began His ministry preaching,
    “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
    He continued the message John the baptist began.
    I bet that doesn’t sound very “loving” to those who only believe in a fluffy puppy type of Savior.

    1. Dude. Sarcasm. But I won’t laugh at people if they don’t know what sarcasm is because I’m a soppy, sentimental, brainless Christian now aren’t I? (more sarcasm in case you were unaware)

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