Silence of Mind posted this gem on Sunday Morning. After several days of discussing whether or not truth and love even exist, it was pleasantly shocking to see the book of Leviticus (no less) verify what Christians already knew…

Source: God of the Bible – What’s Not to Love?

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49 Responses

  1. Ark never, ever gets tired of his brainless game…

    ‘Tis the way your god made me…. s’not my fault!

    Write intelligent posts and I will soon begin to write intelligent comments.

    1. I think we should apply the same maxim to your old man who has developed a habit of sneaking out of his pen and frequenting a few select atheist blogs.
      Has he told you, amanda or is it his little secret?

      1. It can’t be done. Like a toddler dropping food off a highchair, just to watch it fall, Ark never, ever gets tired of his brainless game…

  2. Ha yeah that was funny

    I don’t think Ark got that he was being mocked though

    You are the funniest of them all, Wally.
    To suggest I am unaware of being mocked on this site is like you standing outside in a thunderstorm saying: ”Rain? What rain?”

    You are currently over in Christian Disneyland lapping up everything, like the credulous nitwit you are, and will no doubt be itching to return to the US of Eh? to regale all and sundry about your tales of your marvelous ”Jesus Tour”.

    Don’t forget to take a photo of where Jesus was buried. Oh, and also buy a piece of the Original Cross. And remember to bring home some Original Dirt from Golgotha.
    And maybe some water from Mary’s Well? And take a photo of the building where JC and the boys had their Last Supper.

    Meanwhile, those over there who are running the circus are laughing all the way to the bank that they are so easily able to fleece indoctrinated god-botherers like you.

    Is it any wonder people like Ron Wyatt were able to con their way through much of their life; having sad fools just like you shower them with shekels simply because of the dire need to believe there really is an ark buried somewhere in Turkey and there really truly are chariot wheels on the bottom of the Red Sea.

          1. I reiterate, the moment you post an intelligent comment I will engage on a similar level.
            Your call ….
            Why not start with your acceptance of evolution or the archaeological and geological position regarding the Biblical flood?

          2. It is a very pertinent bone , Jasmine and your acceptance of such facts would go a long way to at least demonstrate you have some integrity.
            So, how about it? Let’s talk about the fictitious story of the biblical flood shall we?

          3. That’s what I thought, Jasmine. You are quite content to grind on about how awful atheists are, yet you wish to push superstitious garbage and have not an ounce of integrity to even make a nominal defense.

          4. Well, one could hardly expect you to clap fast for goodness sake!

            I am curious, as you live in Australia, how did your god get the Kangaroo and the Echidna to the Middle East in time for Noah?

      1. They rely … or have faith even, on your willful ignorance that you won’t renounce it!
        It is why they have a saying in Israel:
        ”Christ, these people as so gullible. Thank god for Jesus.”

  3. John,

    The reason that some people have issues with God’s justice and accuse Him of not being loving stems from the fact that God often shows mercy. We are under a death penalty for doing even the slightest of sins, yet God allows us to continue to live, to have descendents, and enjoy the gentle breezes and beauty of nature.

    It is the fact that God is merciful so often that makes people react so strongly when the Almighty displays justice.

    Adam and Eve were told of their death as a penalty for disobedience in the garden. And death did come. First, spiritually, then with the decaying of their bodies over time. It also brought about death to all created things in the universe. Could this be when the law of entropy and second law of thermodynamics began? Makes sense.

    R.C. Sproul illustrated the effects of mercy on fallen humans. When he was a seminary professor, he had a policy of not accepting late papers. But the first time a paper was due, a few students did not have them ready and begged for mercy. Sproul gave them a break and took them late. When the next paper’s due date came, several more did not have it, and begged for mercy. Sproul again gave them mercy and allowed late work. When the third deadline had come, many students sauntered in and cavalierly said, “Hey, Dr. Sproul. Don’t have my paper. I’ll get it to you soon. ” They presumed upon his mercy. This time, though, Sproul had had enough. He called out for papers by name, and any student who did not have it was given an F. An uproar occurred in the classroom. They said how unfair it was. Sproul’s said “You want fair? Okay. ” And he proceeded to go back to the grades of those he had earlier shown mercy to, and gave them an F for papers not having been in on time, as the syllabus had stated.

    I always think of that illustration when people accuse God of not being loving, or good, or merciful enough.

    Romans 2:4-6 (ESV)

    4 Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? 5 But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed.

  4. Again, we must all bow to Ark’s superior knowledge of what we are thinking. All hail the Ark the anti-theist who is never wrong about Christianity.

    If anyone could miss the love of God in the Old Testament, I would suggest they go read the kids’ Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. It makes God’s love black and white for those who are too ignorant to see it.

    1. Again, we must all bow to Ark’s superior knowledge of what we are thinking.

      I would never presume to know what you are thinking, Jasmine. In fact, believe me when I say that I would be absolutely thrilled just to discover that you, amanda, Wally and Branyan etc, were thinking at all .

  5. While certainly it does point to God’s loving and just character, I don’t think that SOM’s post accomplishes its implied goal of refuting atheist claims that there are Bible passages that at face value point toward a seemingly unjust God.

    SOM seems to be taking the line of defense (in this post) that we as humans can justify God’s actions based on our understanding of justice. Whereas, I think a more apt approach is to go with our incapacity to understand true justice. Of course, that’s not an answer that’s appreciated either, but I think it’s more sound than trying to appeal to human reason to reconcile the problem of evil.

    1. ” I think a more apt approach is to go with our incapacity to understand true justice.”

      Aren’t you using ‘human reason’ to make this statement?

      1. Sure, in my brevity I did omit some important inferences. I suppose I meant more along the lines of not trying to convince moral rationalists that God’s commands toward face value good things outweight God’s commands to specific people to engage in face value bad things. I think that is less convincing than appealing to our incapacity to reason what is moral (the foundation of moral rationalism).

        In brief, I think it’s more useful to provide evidence that human reason is not a successful foundation to arrive at moral decisions (though, with a different foundation, reason is certainly useful since it’s not purefly circularly based at that point).

        1. I agree that we don’t arrive at morality via reason. The rational arguments for ‘doing good’ usually result in a lot of convoluted gibberish. The conversations on this blog over the last week bear testimony to that fact.

          You’ve posted enough comments here that I believe I’m starting to get a feel for your perspective. Your comment to SOM about speaking the language of the person you’re addressing is spot on. Easier said than done, but I appreciate the intention behind it.

    2. MooseMan,

      “Face value” means dumbed down to the point of stupidity (atheism).

      The Bible requires deep thinking even to begin to comprehend.

      The rest is grace.

      And that is why people who come to understand the Bible realize that such understanding is a divine gift.

      1. You are on the wrong blog here,SOM. Half of this lot (god-botherers) are Creationists and do not beleive in evolution.
        The other half are Protestants and think your Church leader is likely an anti-Christ who protects pedophiles.
        Although you are unlikely to get a straight answer from the Branyans on this point.
        How’s prison life by the way? Still treating you okay?
        No problems in the showers these days, I hope?

        1. He’s a dummy AND a liar.

          One of the posts JB wrote a couple months ago was called “Evolution won’t send you to Hell.”

          And, as I recall, one of YOUR posts recently was about the liberalism of the Pope.

          Good ol’ Ark is always trying to start wars where there are none.

          1. LOL! I was JUST going to suggest it!

            SoM, Wally and I still have more room in our Christian-on-Christian “butchering.” Just let us know when you’re free, and we can get the bloodbath started, as we have been informed that Christians CANNOT interact without killing each other… 🙂

      2. I guess I can cede your point in this response. However, in speaking with any individual, it’s more helpful to speak their language. Whether it’s Spanish, English, Physics, or Idiocy.

  6. I must have missed this yesterday over at SoM’s John and it’s good.

    Good to see the OT used to speak about God’s love when, too often, non-believers pluck the bad out of it and focus entirely on that out of context.

    1. You missed it because you were probably busy at church.
      I, on the other hand, was reading blogs instead of listening to the sermon. The important question that we must answer is: Which one of us pleased God most?

      1. I suppose that is a good question but I never concern myself with pleasing God more than the other guy, I have found that led to problems.

        I can say that I have felt my blog reading habits of the past have led to serious convictions from God. That is why, for the most part anyway, I never read blogs of haters and scoffers and don’t let them poison my blog with their nonsense.

        I read the comments over at SoM’s, stunningly ridiculous.

    2. Isaiah,

      The bad in the Old Testament is from man and only man.

      God is so loving, patient and merciful in the Old Testament.

      Modern people are taken aback by God’s pyrotechnic displays of justice during Antiquity.

      And atheists use God’s justice as an excuse for their hatred.

      1. I fired an email to you yesterday. Did you get it?
        I’m not sure if you ever check the email box listed with your WordPress account.

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