** To my fellow Christians: This isn’t a nice article. If you’re  uncomfortable with condescending, arrogant language –stop reading. I’m fed-up with pagan idiocy.  My tone is not “gentle” or “kind”.  I’m telling you at the beginning so you won’t need to rebuke me in the comment section.  Feel free to follow the included links and engage the heathen with the proper level of respect and civility. Let me know how that works for ya.**

** To you feckless, Humanist/Atheist/Non-Christian activists**

Evil exists.

Evil people shoot students in school.

If you’re going to write about school shootings, you ought to condemn the shooter.

You shouldn’t write things like:

Right back at ya…”Are you freaking kidding me?”

Your response to a national crisis is an assault on prayer?

How thoughtful.

You should write, “The time for talking to imaginary friends is over” on a card and send it to the grieving families!

Since you obviously do not have a shred of self-awareness, let me speak truth to you.

You’re a self-righteous wretch.

You’re a vulgar, twisted, sinister creature.

So are your sycophantic followers:

Guess what!

None of the school shooters in history have been “Evangelicals”.

Bible study doesn’t turn people into mass murderers.

News Flash!

Blogging doesn’t accomplish anything.

But please keep me informed when you organize a march to protest school shooting!

I will come and laugh at you.

It’s hard for me to avoid “condescending” remarks when you’re so blind to your contemptible hypocrisy.

I imagine your protest filled with signs expressing your heartfelt concern:

“Put The Blame Where It Belongs…Christians!”

“Don’t Pray. Blog!”

“Church People Love Gun Violence”

I’m gonna predict your protest will never happen.

You’re much too lazy to organize anything.

Besides…you’ve got no solutions to offer.

A hateful, anti-Christian blog post will be the end of your “activism”.

In contrast, I actually do have a solution.

It’s called, “Christianity”.

I would be happy to explain it.

But you’re not really interested in solutions.


Another thoughtful quote from the mind of a godless heathen.

I especially appreciate the lecture about invisible things being “unable to do much”.

Heathen thoughts are invisible.

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17 Responses

  1. “The sanctimonious outcry from the heathen, who don’t believe in sin, makes my stomach ache.“

    Dear John,

    You’re reminding me of C. S. Lewis, and what he might have been feeling that prompted him to write his wonderful “Screwtape Letters”.

    As uncomfortable as all of this is, I believe you have the heart, sanity, humor and creativity that can catapult you into a deep, creative, comedic work that can open eyes and hearts.

  2. Way to go pointing out such vacuously incoherent nonsense and hypocrisy.
    Still wondering where all this moralizing is coming from. By what standard is their outrage?

  3. I’ll respect an atheist when I see them contribute something good to society (not that I’ve ever seen it). I don’t see why they don’t have the same courtesy. I can barely stomach the amount of blatant contradiction and two-faced hypocrisy I see come out of atheism. James 1:6-8 speaks of people like this as a wave tossed to and fro in the ocean. No direction, no point, no purpose, no achievement whatsoever. All atheism exhibits is wind and vanity.

  4. Hey John. I a not offended at all. Bravo in fact. I actually wrote a small thing yesterday seeking and answer to why, on one hand the demands for Christians to “quit trying to impose Christian morality on secular law,” are never ending….now Christians are being held to task for not stepping up and imposing some imagined Biblical directive to lead the charge on banning guns. Basically, they want us to shut up when they disagree, and hold us accountable for not campaigning for their views. Huh? How does that make sense? The atheist worldview is incoherent, inconsistent and contradictory. As I said over at my place: That’s just stupid.

    1. I’m not in favor of holding anybody accountable except the person who pulls the trigger. The sanctimonious outcry from the heathen, who don’t believe in sin, makes my stomach ache.

      1. I am surprised the mental gyration doesn’t make THEIR heads hurt! You tried to raise a good point over there, though, that prayer doesn’t rule out actual action. The ongoing accusation is that we substitute prayer so we don’t have to DO anything. Most have no clue what most Christians are doing. When everybody was praying for Hurricane Harvey victims and the haters were running loose hating? Some folks, including my whole family minus me due to work, made several quite real trips to one town for no other reason than to set up a kitchen and cook a few hot meals.The absence of kitchens run by the Freedom From Religion folks was glaring. I suppose they were too busy blogging to incite others to write some laws or something!

  5. So, I just had to respond to the insane post that you linked to. Who knows if it will ever be posted, not that it matters, but I spoke on things that she agreed with and quoted James, then I told her the importance of prayer in our life, and quoted James.

    –See the trend?–

    I always reflect back to the truth of the Scripture. And James mention the “fervent prayer of a righteous man produces much.”

    Not only will I be active in my community, but I will be active in my prayer closet, praying for even those that think prayer is worthless.

    Sorry Athiests, can’t stop me from praying that some day you might find something to hold on to!

  6. Wow, John – good one!

    They have no clue how to pray, which is why they think it’s ineffectual.

    In response to prayer, I saw a dead man come back to life, a woman come out of a coma, a woman going blind regain her eyesight, and with a second prayer not need her glasses anymore – her opthamologist said she received a miracle, plus more….

    Prayers from helpless people at the end of their human strength have been heard throughout the ages by a merciful God, for the parting of the Red Sea, for countless healings, freedom from addictions…

    Some mealy-mouthed people will say “I’ll pray for you”, not knowing what else to say, and then don’t.

    Others fast, storm heaven with their prayers, actually experience the agony and share privately in the sufferings of the people they are praying for. Some prayers, God in wisdom says no to, others He says yes and you can see miracles.

    Prayer, in the hearts of dedicated Christians, is 911 to God. That line becomes stronger and more clear the more people learn how to pray, and the deeper their love relationship with God is.

    I feel very sorry for atheists who have turned off their line, and think they are little gods who can handle everything, themselves: the ultimate in human arrogance.

    I am gentle, loving, quiet and am not geared to getting in someone’s face about their need to wake up! I’m grateful you do it. I hope someone who has walked away from God, for whatever reason, can finally hear and turn back. I used to do volunteer Search and Rescue. People so easily can get lost and hopelessly turned around within a few feet of the marked path. They can so easily die, lost, within a short distance of the path set out for them. Atheists have lost their compass.

  7. I’m Jewish. five of the victems were Jewish. even so, what is the point of your angry response to yet another tragedy. people do what they do to make themselves feel better for a situation in which there is a no solution response. religion makes people feel good. big deal. they’re not hurting anyone

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