Evil is a real thing.

Sometimes I forget that.

I spend a lot of time around people with souls and it blinds me to the unspeakable horror of heathen thought.

Thankfully, the most ghoulish fiends love publicity.

They broadcast their wickedness on television which saves a lot of research time!

Here’s a picture of a couple of my grand-kids.

For some reason, I just want to stare at them for a minute.


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14 Responses

    1. Good! I love it when an Atheist does creepy/mean-spirited things!

      Every time someone brings up my brush with depression/suicidal thoughts, I know they’re just trying desperately to quiet their own fears that I may be right about a thing or two.

  1. This one makes me ill. Oye.
    LORD have mercy on that woman’s soul…she doesn’t know what she’s doing. A willing puppet for the father of murder.

    1. Hey Everybody!
      Pastor Mike wants us to know that he fully supports murdering babies. His recovering from Christianity has empowered him to boldly declare his hatred for children.

      1. I never click on his ping backs, but I admit I’m almost tempted this time.

        Ya suppose the 3000 babies who were pureed by their mothers “had a nice day” today?

        1. He thinks we should pray to end abortion.
          And when mothers keep killing their babies, KIA will gleefully clap his hands and mock us.
          He used to be a devout Christian, y’know…

          1. Why would I ask God to take away a murderous mother’s free will? “Lord, please make her a robot who HAS to obey.” ???

            Nah. If women want to walk away from God, they should be able to do so… They should be free to become whatever KIA is now, if they choose. (See? I’m pro-choice!) And then, since we can’t ever know whether there’s a God/gods or what his/their will is, we should just make baby smoothies when it feels right.

  2. I find the description “stopping a baby from happening” quite repugnant. For one the baby has already happened or you wouldn’t be seeking an abortion. Two the fact that she even uses the word baby instead of the usual pro-abort wording fetus. So even more sad is she knows it’s a baby and still willing to kill the child for the sake of convenience.

  3. She so adamantly points out that “women are naturally equipped to do the most powerful thing in the world: give life” but she seems completely oblivious to the irony of celebrating a procedure that does exactly the opposite.

  4. Maybe she has never sat in an ultrasound, with a woman, bawling her eyes out with happiness, at the sound of her 7 week old in-utero child’s heartbeat. Or watched that child at 24 weeks such his thumb in- utero. That’ll change your life forever.

    Those are some cute grand-babies!

  5. There’s just so much I hate about this. They act like our (men’s) opinion doesn’t matter, which is really just a convenient way of dismissing the other side of the argument, because they TOTALLY care when men agree with them. Also it’s pretty ironic how a mans opinion is going to make or break abortion rights, since the government is vastly male.

    Michelle is unfunny and disgusting. I’m sure that you, Branyan, would recognize this. I don’t need to elaborate.

    Having an abortion is like baking a cake, but throwing it out halfway through it being cooked- you would have had cake if you didn’t throw it out, and you would have a baby if you didn’t dismember it with a vacuum and throw it away.

    True, abortion is preventing a baby from happening, but it’s doing it in a way that is killing a living being. The fact that it’s dependent on the mother doesn’t mean that it’s not alive either.

    If you don’t want kids, don’t stick your legs where they shouldn’t be. And if you are- take extreme measures to ensure you don’t get pregnant. THATS how you prevent a baby

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