If you’re fed up with the school shootings, why don’t you do something about it?

Something that will bring about REAL change.

Something like “The March For Our Lives

March For Our Lives is created by, inspired by, and led by students across the country who will no longer risk their lives waiting for someone else to take action to stop the epidemic of mass school shootings that has become all too familiar.

On March 24, the kids and families of March For Our Lives will take to the streets of Washington, DC to demand that their lives and safety become a priority.

These people are tired of waiting for someone else to take action so they’re going to Washington…

…to demand someone else take action.

That ought to do it.

The people in Washington already have the solution.

They’re just waiting for us to DEMAND that our safety be a priority.

Then, they’ll work their magic!

And end evil in America.

Violence will disappear.

Hatred will vanish.

Crime will be nothing but a hazy memory.

But before this can happen…


And marches ain’t free!

…I guess.

I don’t know exactly what a march costs.

It doesn’t matter!

What matters is your support.

The proceeds will go to “organizing activities”.

If that’s good enough for Oprah, it’s good enough for me!

Let’s get to Washington so we can FINALLY ensure 100% safety for our kids.

All it takes is naive intentions, some posterboard signs…

…and an unspecified amount of donated cash.

No “thoughts and prayers” needed.

This is what a REAL activism looks like.

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6 Responses

  1. “Violence will disappear. Hatred will vanish. Crime will be nothing but a hazy memory.”
    These comments give away your condemnation of this march. At least these kids have some brains, they obviously cannot depend on action from anyone else.
    I understand a coalition of mainline Protestant denominations and the Catholic Church are now pro-gun control.

    1. Everybody is pro gun control.
      Everybody is in favor of protecting kids.

      I’m not in favor of useless demonstrations that claim to be real change. Donate your money to the organizational efforts then go hold a sign in Washington if you disagree.

      1. What makes him think the kids have brains?

        Metal posts hold signs in the middle of the street all the time…

  2. I love that I can count on you to express my thoughts at the absurdity in this world and make me laugh through it! Or should I say despite it?

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