The book of Ephesians tells Christians to refrain from obscenity and foolish talk. (Eph. 5)

The simple read is “Christians shouldn’t cuss.”

I don’t disagree but that can’t be the entire message of the verse.

Obscenity is possible without dropping an F-Bomb.

In fact, you can produce unwholesome, foolish talk using the word “love”.

For instance:

So amazing when you find the ONE that God has for you. We are so alike, yet complete opposites. We laugh at everything, but are rooted in the truth of scripture. You not only hold my hand, you hold all of me. I love you babe!

Those are the words of man in his mid-thirties, composed for his fiance’ who is in her early twenties.

The man divorced his wife less than one year ago.

The fiance’ wrote these words to the man’s ex-wife:

To the woman who let him go, thank you so much… Thank you for walking out of his life or letting him walk out of yours. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to love him. I will take care of the man you failed to appreciate. I will love the man you took for granted. I will love him for all that he is, and will support him in anything that he wants to be. I will be the partner you failed to become for him. I will be the woman who will never make the same mistakes that you did. I have become the best person for him because you failed to see what you had right in front of you!

This isn’t an original composition.

Different versions exist all over the internet.

Petty, mean-spirited, conceited words from one Christian sister to another.

Since you’re “rooted in the Scripture”, where did you read that it’s appropriate to be spiteful?

The man replied to his fiance’s childish prose with:

You do things to my soul like I’ve never felt before. You my love, leave me speechless! I love you!


Christian couples: If you’re going to say this stuff, keep it private.

DO NOT post this obscene foolishness in public places.


DO NOT expect the Church to celebrate your 2nd marriage with the same enthusiasm as your first.

Divorce shatters families.

Divorce leaves scars.

We will not pretend the ex-spouse no longer exists and applaud your slobbering sentiments about finding “the One”.

Your words can’t be trusted:

Though I may love you my entire life, it won’t be long enough for my heart!


You CANNOT love this person your entire life!

Your previous marriage took some of your life.

You don’t get to talk about, “The ONE that God has for you.”

You squandered that privilege.

Your sappy engagement announcement makes a mockery of marriage.

Are you going to do another full wedding ceremony?!!


You’re going to stand in front of God and witnesses and promise “as long as we both shall live”…again?

“But this time, I really, really, mean it!”

Do you not see how foolish that looks?

Do you not see the obscenity in that?

Don’t bother the preacher.

Go quietly to the courthouse and sign some papers.

Don’t send announcements.

Don’t register for gifts.

Don’t post honeymoon pictures on Facebook.

And don’t you dare crow about “God’s good plan!”

God doesn’t plan broken promises.

Stop talking foolish.

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12 Responses

  1. “I will be the woman who will never make the same mistakes that you did.”

    Tragic, but a somewhat comical thing to say when you’re actually marrying someone else’s husband.

  2. This is the worst type of obscenity, for it mocks what marriage represents, the union and unconditional love between Christ and His church. It’s one thing to fail in your marriage; there’s certainly grace for that. That’s not the point at all (KIA). But to then go out and denigrate the former wife in such a mean-spirited way is unspeakably evil. Not to mention, the empty platitudes you exposed here. There is no excuse for this. This is also why so many believers are reluctant to call themselves “Christians.” We don’t want to be associated with these kinds of religious pretensions.

  3. Applauding! This needs to be printed up in Church bulletins across the country!

    We recently celebrated our 41st, and neither of us has pushed the other off a cliff: that’s part of love, ‘til natural death do us part.❤️😂❤️

    Paul took on the difficult, and unpopular task, of laying out what God’s design for true love and holy marriage looks like. There are much better guidelines in the Bible for us flawed sinners than our current society’s awful crud you illustrated above!

    I have a gooey crud one for you. One idiot died. His father-neglected 10-yr old son cried out to God, begging Him to let him have his Dad, whom he wanted so much. God heard the child’s prayer and gave him his father back. Idiot Dad promptly had an affair and left his family, including his son, for the gooey-brained Other Woman. (I have a number of thoughts about this one….)

  4. I would TOTALLY plug in to a church where this solid truth was preached from the pulpit! It’s because of hard truth spoken like this that I would be able to trust the one speaking it with the care taking of my soul. Thank you JB for the very hard and very LOVING words! Real men speak truth like this!

  5. What caught my attention was Her line to the ex-wife, “thank you for walking out of his life OR allowing him to walk out of yours.” She’s going to marry this man not knowing how his last marriage ended last year?
    That’s either a lie or an amazing admission of ignorance.

  6. Why is KIA so upset?
    He must have been someone who talked obscenely when he thought he was a Christian…

  7. excellent John! Most of the time your discussions are too intellectual for me, but this one I got! Thank you!

  8. Wow. Just… Wow. The compassion, empathy and love literally dripnfrom the post. (Sarky) Jesus truly said “they will know you are my disciples by your love for one another”. Your post has very little to identify you as a lover of other Christians and very little that shows you understand or care about the issues of divorce and broken families. Whatnnan insulting and obscene post. Have a great day JB.

    1. Curious reaction. When two unrepentant adulterers crow proudly and publicly about how virtuous they are in their sin, what is the appropriate reaction? Are we suppose to join the adulterers in castigating the jilted wife?

      1. When you know Pastor Mike, this isn’t a curious reaction at all. This is his go-to response when he has nothing of substance to contribute. Do not expect a reply. He will retreat to his blog and write about me. The atheists will agree with him that I am a hateful troll. Then, he’ll write a haiku.

        His response isn’t different from other Christians who don’t think it’s any of my business how my church family lives.

        1. KIA left some version of Christianity so he could use the Bible he doesn’t believe in to spew out his sanctimonious tripe.

    2. Way to be the bad example that illustraits the problem, Kia. Your sarcastic, whining comment shows you think”love” is happy feelings and encouragement. Speaking the truth if it doesn’t make people happy? “That’s hate speech!” Correcting lies? “That’s not loving!” Confronting evil? “Jesus would never do that!”
      Yes, Jesus would confront lies, call out evil, and speak truth that doesn’t give everyone the warm feels. Do you know how I know all of this? Because I learned about Jesus from THE BIBLE instead of from Oprah.
      You should try that.
      And then you need to explain why you’re named after an imported brand if Korean economy cars. Thats just a weird choice that seems like it should have a good story behind it.

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