I can understand why some people don’t like babies.

Look at these two:

Some people are allergic to adorable so this gives them hives.

And some people are just selfish.

Selfishness eventually turns people into wretched, loveless beasts.

People like this, for example:


Here’s hoping America makes it illegal to kill children.

I don’t mind being the bad guy if it means ending abortion.

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12 Responses

  1. I made a much longer comment that unfortunately didn’t take posted, but I wanted to share this with you, John


    According to this survey, less than 5% of all abortions are done because of the life of the mother is at stake, or because of rape. That of course doesn’t make the scenario right, but it’s ridiculous that the left tried to shame us into accepting ALL abortions because less than 5% of them have unfortunate circumstances surrounding them.

    One more thing: are your podcasts that are currently being uploaded out of sync with the blog? Because this week you were talking about the gorillas, and that was a blog post from at least a week ago..

    Anyways- thanks, John, for encouraging me to think about my faith and the reasoning behind it. It’s helped me a lot 🙂

    Love, Pkarlgh

  2. Here’s some Nan-logic from a comment: “No, the big question is NOT whether or not the fetus is human. The big question is the RIGHT of the woman to make the decision on whether to have an abortion or not. ”

    So, according to this logic, it doesn’t matter if someone is a human being, what matters is MY COMFORT. It should be my decision to off anyone for interfering with my self-centered life. I should have the right to shoot just about anyone who cuts me off in traffic. Yup, Y’all, that makes total sense.

    1. Yeah…seems like we should settle the human question first. If something isn’t human, then it doesn’t have “rights”.

      These are people who claim to have spent YEARS immersed in Christian doctrine.

      1. Exactly. This just shows the incoherence and outright evil of their self-absorbed arguments. If it’s human then the argument should be over. It’s murder. Period. Otherwise, it’s the same logic used to wipe out the Native American tribes or subjugate whole races into slavery. Hitler called the Jews a sub-race. They’re not really human so we can slaughter them at will to further our own selfish ends.

      2. “These are people who claim to have spent YEARS immersed in Christian doctrine.”

        That actually makes sense to me. They’ve divorced the author of life and other-centered, self-giving love for the subjective morass of self-indulged narcissism.
        “because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools…”

    1. Yes, beautiful McMommy, this is wonderful, and a fabulous smack-into-reality rebuttal to the selfish, garbled position of the gal who seems highly sexualized but lacks a sense of responsibility about it.

      Believe me, I agree with your posts 100%!

      I melted when I saw your babies – so adorable I cried, and am crying again, looking at them.

      I think Mother Teresa’s response is a plan in action, practical and doable. I think the reason for saving the babies is summed up beautifully in your pictures above.
      Having also been unwanted, I resonate with the marvelous response the poster above gave. (Right on, Woman!) I live with the daily reminder that if abortion had been easily available when my Mom was pregnant, I would not be here. It is not an easy life for an unwanted child, yet I think we’re all worth saving.

      1. I have some pretty special babies, I think! 🙂
        But more importantly, I havefuture-adults in my care. They are future-Mommies and Daddies. Future workers. Future burden-lifters.

        They haven’t always been cute (and they won’t always be). But they HAVE been humans with purpose filled futures, since the moment of their conceptions.

        Pro choice arguments pretend to have a long term outlook on life, but I think THEY’RE actually the shortsighted ones. They claim there’s a war between women and their babies. But babies are future women. And whatever is best for our young ones is best for future society and best for all of us.

        I can’t wait to see what world-changing things these babies will do in just a little time.

        1. You’re giving your babies such a beautiful, hopeful, love-filled start! I’m so grateful that you are a Mom! You are nurturing the hope that our race needs, the affirmation of a future that will not be darkened because all love has been destroyed by evil.

          I grieve at all we have lost with every baby that has been killed. I am also horrified that this culture of death is insidiously spreading into all areas of society, to include the elderly and toward people who are not “perfect” in the eyes of the world. It is a great evil, a black darkness engulfing minds and hearts around the world. To see Ireland fall in this moral war in recent days is horrifying.

          Most people didn’t see the Holocaust in Hitler’s day, and most people are accepting the current Holocaust all wrapped up in the self-entitlement PC package of Pro-Choice/Women’s Rights.

          Most of them are truly ignorant, blinded, non-thinking, dim-witted, follow-the-crowd sheep.
          I’m so grateful God knows we’re sheep, and sent us a Shepherd!

          I send you my deeply grateful thanks (I’m crying again at how beautiful your babies are “Rays of God’s light in the world”, even while knowing they won’t be perfect little angels). They have a wonderful Mommy who will teach them to reject evil and in the way they should go.


          1. You’re sweet, Katy. 🙂
            My family will take all the prayers we can get, that we will be worthy of the calling…

          2. You have my love and prayers!
            I love to pray (and keep confidences as sacred and private)so please feel free to email me if ever you are in need of prayers.

            Yours is a difficult, long-duration task; yet, while unsung on this wounded earth, it is a vocation of the highest divine and sacred calling.

            May God give you His Love, Patience, Wisdom, Endurance and all His graces, as He did for the Blessed Mother; to raise these beautiful children as His.


  3. Right now I’m reading “Mother Teresa of Calcutta: A Personal Portrait” by Fr. Leo Maasburg.

    Mother Teresa had wonderful, miraculous experiences of saving unwanted children, while helping mothers in desperate situations. She gave powerful talks, and led by example.

    A very good message about how to help, for pro-lifers, I think lovingly addresses ways in which we all can help, without leaving desperate Mothers in desperate circumstances alone, without the support, love, encouragement and help they may need from all of us.

    Mother Teresa’s 5 Lessons for pro-lifers:


    This post is a small piece about abortion issues that Mother Teresa addressed and acted upon in healing and profound ways. This lovely saint is an amazing, loving, wise resource for all of us. We would do well to learn from, and emulate her.

    With love ❤️ Katy

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