The United States has an excellent women’s soccer team. It’s better than women’s soccer teams in other countries. United States women kick soccer balls into goals more frequently than women of any other nationality. That alone is something that should fill every American with pride. But what makes the US Women’s Team even MORE AWESOME is – some of the players are lesbians!

There are two questions I always ask before I listen to a person speak about culture or politics:

  1. Is this person good at sports?
  2. Is this person gay?

If the answer to both of those questions is, “Yes” – I want to hear whatever that person has to say. Megan Rapinoe is not only a lesbian who is good at sports but also has the unique perspective of someone who hates Donald Trump. Talking with Rachel Maddow, Rapinoe said:

…I kind of want to stop just talking about things and, like, how do we put things in action? How do we help? What do we do? What’s the best way to get people mobilized, whether that’s in voting or just getting people more educated and more plugged in to what’s happening, you know, in our politics and in our lives? And I think I’m ready for that, like, next thing. I want to be more impactful.”

Let me speak for America, Mz. Rapinoe – You can’t have a greater impact! You kick soccer balls into soccer nets WHILE being a homosexual AND despising the President; you’re already doing your fair share. The rest of us need to step up. You can’t do it all by yourself. If we’re ever going to see real change in America, the unremarkable, inconsequential masses will have to do more than work hard, pay taxes, teach our children morality, and humbly make peace with God. We’ll all have to follow your lead. We’ll need to get busy!

  • Dropping F-bombs into social media
  • Flipping the bird at elected officials.
  • Having sex with people of like gender.
  • Obnoxiously celebrating sports victories.
  • Pink hair
  • Proclaiming our opposition to unfairness
  • etc

Activism is much more important than productivity. Criticizing people who do stuff is how we will turn this country around! Sports figures know this. Celebrities know this too. And if you don’t believe it – take a look at the trophy that the Women’s Soccer Team won. People with trophies are better than you. Pay attention when they speak!

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12 Responses

  1. ah, JB is afraid of another woman again. Tsk.

    “We’re ever going to see real change in America, the unremarkable, inconsequential masses will have to do more than work hard, pay taxes, teach our children morality, and humbly make peace with God. We’ll all have to follow your lead. We’ll need to get busy!”

    So, which morality do you need to teach, JB since Christians don’t agree on what their god actually wants? Is it okay to murder a child for the actions of its parents? Is that good morality? Is it good morality to say that people who don’t agree with you should, at best only “deserve” death, or at worst, be killed by believers?

    You claim we must make peace with your version of your god. Nope, we don’t. We also don’t have to listen to little men who make up strawmen to attack, like JB finds he needs to do. only JB says that people who have trophies are better than anyone else.

    1. Keep it up, Vel.
      You’re doing a noble and important work here, protecting mankind from my insidious lies.

          1. why thank you. I don’t need tons of gold to make me happy, like hmmm, some gods supposedly do. 🙂 I also don’t need to murder children for the actions of their parents or kill people for daring to disagree with me like your god supposedly does.

          2. Indeed. You are the standard of goodness and virtue. You’re a light in the darkness. You are the way, the truth and the life.

        1. JB “Indeed. You are the standard of goodness and virtue. You’re a light in the darkness. You are the way, the truth and the life.” So, JB, having fun lying? I’m enjoying that you ignore your bible, oh TrueChristian. Or are you telling the truth and have abandoned your supposed savior? In any case, your god if it exists should be rather interested.

          1. Vel is great.
            Vel is good.
            Let us thank Vel for her kind words.

  2. And Rapinoe is apparently is going to run for POTUS. So now she’ll be the the first pink-haired gay women president.

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