Have you ever been lectured by a vegan?

Don’t answer yet!

Let me define the term, ‘Vegan’:

Vegan – vee-gun: Individuals who see themselves as morally superior because of what they don’t eat.

It’s a mistake to think about vegans as merely ‘people who don’t eat animal products’.

When you do that, you’re omitting the most important aspect of veganism…


Pompous proselytizing is how vegans differ from vegetarians.

Vegetarians can have conversations without mentioning that they are vegetarians.

Vegans never do this.

Vegans proclaim their veganism three times an hour even when they are alone in a room.

And twice a day, vegans express disdain for non-vegans.

For vegans, not eating eggs is a religious rite.

Every time a vegan skips an omelet, an angel gets his wings.

Vegans are closer to God than the rest of us.

(Unless they don’t believe in God in which case they’re closer to an arbitrary standard of goodness defined by themselves.)

So I’m asking, have you ever been lectured by one of these folks?

Did you enjoy it?

I don’t.

In the aftermath of a vegan tirade I’ve never thought, “I should be more like that person.”

I could never be like those people because my brain works too well.

They are always champions of ‘animal rights’.

Animals rights is an incoherent concept loosely based on the idea of ‘human rights’.

Human rights come from God.

Animal rights come from Humans.

Vegans cannot grasp the important difference.

(I think it’s because they don’t have enough protein in their diets.)

Animals have no rights except those assigned by humans.

It is correct when a vegan says, “This pig has a right to life!”

It is also correct when I say, “This pig has the right to become sausage!”

I won’t tell a vegan that they shouldn’t eat tofu and kiss swine on the lips.

Be at peace, my friend!

And pass the bacon.

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7 Responses

  1. Some people do alright on it. Others get very deficient in Zink mostly and and even toxic in copper. Being toxic in copper is a big happy opportunity for cancer, degenerative diseases, depressio and other psychiatric diseases. We found this out through the research of Dr. W. Walsh, published in the book ‘Nutrient Power’. We got our testing for 2 suffering family members done by dhl labs in Chicago (by mail) and phone consult with Dr. Mensah (smartest doc i ever met) who was trained under Dr. Walsh. Health has returned to our family. We thank God

    Important is to know what your biotype is. If it’s undermethylation you need to stay as far as you can away from this vegan thing.

  2. Okay, I think this post is meant as a joke, since it’s so utterly and completely ridiculous and untrue, but just in case it isn’t, here’s my penny’s worth of say: Everything good that humans have done in all of history was only possible thanks to God. The fact that the waves in the sea are still swooshing back and forth over the shore is thanks to God. By His grace alone are we still existing.
    While saying that humans give animal’s rights is not untrue, it ignores the fact that it is God which enables us to give the rights. Anyone who truly understands the term ‘vegan’ will know that vegans do not think themselves superior to others. Vegans do everything they can to eliminate all animal products in their diet and lifestyle, this is because animals all over the world are being mistreated and exploited in horrific ways, and they don’t want to contribute it by giving their money. They are vegan because they don’t think they are superior.
    Let me ask you this question: What are the ethically relevant differences between humans and animals that make it acceptable to hurt them in ways that would never be acceptable to do to each other?
    We say we love animals, but we mutilate, torture and kill over 60 million each year worldwide. While we cuddle our doggies, cats, and bunny rabbits we give our money to industries who kill many other innocent creature, God’s beautiful creations (disfigured by sinful man).
    Vegans are angry. Angry that the world chooses to look away from all the suffering,but still contribute to it. They are impatient, they must talk to others, they must make it known. If a man saves a puppy, he’s a hero, but if he tries to save many cows, chickens, pigs, foxes, wildlife or any other exploited animal, he is seen as pushy. Or self righteous.
    I am a vegan, and I am a christian, and I believe that God would not walk through a slaughter house smiling. Don;t let your taste for animals subdue your compassion or will to protect the defenceless. Watch these http://www.cowspiracy.com and Earthlings. And if you can’t watch them. ask yourself if that’s because it’s right or wrong.
    Now go and don’t have peace until you understand all that is going on in the animal’s lives and have made a decision of what to do about it.
    Ecclesiastes 3:19

    1. First, you said this.
      “Anyone who truly understands the term ‘vegan’ will know that vegans do not think themselves superior to others. ”

      Then you said this…
      “Vegans are angry. Angry that the world chooses to look away from all the suffering, but still contribute to it. They are impatient, they must talk to others, they must make it known…I am a vegan, and I am a christian, and I believe that God would not walk through a slaughter house smiling.”

      My post was not ‘a joke’. Was yours? Because if you intended your sermon as a serious response I suggest you eat whatever vegetables will help you develop a sense of irony.

  3. I lived in a vegan commune for a few years.

    By the end I was totally crazy.

    It took me decades to get over it.

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