I’ll probably get in trouble for this.

I don’t have permission to talk about it.

Because if I ask permission…I’ll be denied.

I’m going to “out” some people.

They’re going to be upset.

They don’t want anybody to know what they’re doing.

But I refuse to keep their secrets for them.

The man in the picture is Bill.

Bill went to Nepal to install a machine that provides clean water to the village where this picture was taken.

He bought a plane ticket with his own money and sneaked out of the country.

He uses his own money to avoid a paper trail.

Doesn’t want people asking questions like, “How much did this cost you?”

But he didn’t work alone.

He had accomplices.

The people at Fairfield Christian Church are guilty too.

When they learned that the water system costs $1800 bucks…

…they recklessly donated more than enough to pay for it.

They’re not “rich” people.

They’re “ordinary”.

Trust me!

I know them.

These ordinary people installed a water system in a village in Nepal.

Does anyone else find this outrageous?

Bill and his enablers don’t know anybody in Nepal.

They’ll never get their money back.

Plus…the people in Nepal look different.

They don’t even speak English!


I’ve probably lost some friends today.

I violated their trust.

I told their secret.

But some secrets need to be told.

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13 Responses

  1. This touched my heart, John. Sometimes the unsung need to be sung about. But why does your buddy Ark care? Surely even he can’t have an issue with this.

    1. Ark just wanted to tell everybody about the time HE supplied clean water to people in need… (Ha. Just kidding.) (I guess he doesn’t think our spam folder has enough of his comments in it quite yet.)

    2. Ark got himself into trouble with Amanda when he refused to admit that there is order and meaning in the universe. She told him that all his comments will go to the spam folder until he confesses that said comments have meaning.

      He keeps throwing comments at us because he doesn’t comprehend the depth of her stubbornness. She is the mother of three strong-willed, free thinking children. Doug is no match for her.

  2. You know the rules, Ark.
    You gotta admit that your comments have order and meaning, otherwise they disappear. Why should anyone read meaningless statements?

  3. Thank you for sharing! I don’t know those involved but what I do know is I’m so thankful for those willing to sacrifice and be the hands and feet of Jesus!! Thank you!

  4. Man, now the left hand is going to know what the right hand is doing. Perhaps, though, it might get some other hands to start keeping similar secrets too.

    1. This left hand has been suspicious of that right hand for quite awhile…This isn’t the first time he’s been caught doing that kind of stuff.

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