To The Young Women of America, From John Pavlovitz

Among certain kinds of intellects, putting words in other people’s mouths makes a profound point.

If this kind of intellectualism resonates with you then prepare to be blown away!

The following is a mix of emotionalism, deception, and irrationality which I’ll assign to John Pavlovitz as his point of view.


A Message from A Liar


All that matters is me.
Standing on your trauma and pain I will edify myself.
Pretending to care about you helps me sell books.
Pretending to follow Jesus gives me credibility among simpletons.
I don’t think women are very smart.
I think you will allow my words to enrage you.
You’re too stupid to figure out I’m a fraud.

See you at church on Sunday!


John Pavlovitz

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2 Responses

  1. Oh ouch! Yes, I think you’ve nailed it.

    I’ve thought a lot about Christine Blasey Ford lately. Imagine that she is either a trauma victim or spiritually and mentally ill. Regardless, the last thing I would ever do to her is drag her across the senate floor, put her on public display, exploit the heck out of her for political purposes. None of that was loving, none of it was in her best interests, none of it was kind. Her handlers should all be fired. That was actually cruel and inhumane.

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