
As soon as it became common knowledge what it means to be ‘woke,’ the woke crowd started working overtime to change that meaning.

For many years, ‘woke’ was understood as the past participle of ‘wake’ and we were content with that definition. We didn’t need it to mean ‘well informed’, ‘thoughtful’, ‘humble’, or ‘kind’, because…we already HAD words that meant those things. In fact, we still have those words.

Recently, ‘woke’ was used by self-righteous social justice activists to virtue signal their moral superiority over everyone who didn’t share their beliefs. If you weren’t ‘woke’ then you were backward, regressive, racist, homophobic, and hateful. The word was exclusively applicable to people with left-leaning political views. Conservatives rarely wore the label. Christians didn’t NEED the label.

If you want to know what ‘woke’ REALLY means, all you need to do is ask someone who identifies as ‘woke’ about their specific beliefs on some religious or political issues. You will discover that person is: pro-abortion, anti-borders, anti-gun, anti-Trump, anti-Capitalism, anti-Evangelical, and anti-straight-white-male. A woke person cannot speak positively about homeschooling, Bible verses, or traditional marriage. Woke people believe ‘fairness’ is achieved by showing favoritism to some groups of people.

Here’s the bottom line. You can be kind, compassionate, well informed, thoughtful, humble, and aware of the needs of others without being ‘woke.’ You cannot be ‘woke’ and submissive to Christ at the same time.

Now that we’ve figured out what the word means, the woke folks are going to try and gaslight us. They want us to think woke is just ‘eager to make the world a better place.’ They want to convince us that their divisiveness is ‘compassion.’ Woke is wearing a nametag that says, “I’m counting on you to be stupid.”

(2 Corinthians 10:12) We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.

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One Response

  1. Liberal Democrats exist to tell us how wonderful they are. When they accomplish anything, whatever they accomplish always lines their pocketbooks. Being woke is just another version of the same old victim nonsense.

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