When Someone Says They’re Racist – Believe Them.

One of the hazards you’ll face as a writer is exposing your earnest beliefs. Despite your painstaking effort to keep honesty from affecting your literary work, the truth will inevitably reveal itself.

Case in point, this article. The author intended it to be a jab at the hypocritical idiocy of Republicans. It is indeed a biting indictment of racism and immorality. The reasoning is sound. The conclusions are undeniable. The only mistake the author makes is attributing the evil to the Republicans. By accident, the author undermines his own beloved Democratic party in an article called (ironically), “Can You Pronounce Counterproductive, Boys and Girls?”

There’s another copy of the article here in my notebook (in case the author deletes his post for some reason) and you’re free to read it for yourself. The article is much longer than it needs to be. It can be summarizes succinctly and accurate in a single sentence that reads, “I am a racist.” The mark of a poor thinker is needless verbosity so I’ll cut out all the fat and reduce the article to it’s critical components.

“The gauze has been removed from our eyes…to now clearly see the racist and misogynist roots of the American conservatives in general, and the GOP in particular. Possibly because they have become experts in getting voters to vote against their own interests, they have been working very, very hard against their own interests, too.

These knuckledraggers have been working feverishly to make abortion as impossible as they can make it. They have put restrictions on abortion clinics, thereby driving so many out of existence that in some states one cannot be found…Anti-abortion efforts means that more black and brown babies will be born than white babies as black and brown people have higher birth rates…More black and brown people will mean more black and brown potential voters and eventually the end of white supremacist politicians. These idiots, were they true to their racist roots, should be falling all over themselves to provide government paid abortions for all black and brown citizens as their racism trumps their abortion objections (pun intended).”

I’ll condense it even further: “Racists should be pro-choice.”

Like I said, this is bulletproof reasoning. The author is absolutely right. This article would get a standing ovation at any KKK rally in the country. There’s just one problem. Republicans aren’t the pro-choice party.

It’s Democrats (like the author) who relentlessly call for more abortions. Democrats (like the author) want no restrictions on a woman’s right to choose. Democrats (you know) are “falling all over themselves to provide government paid abortions for all black and brown citizens”.

The truth is sometimes a horrible thing to behold, isn’t it? If you’re pro-choice, you’re a racist. That admission is coming from one of your fellow pro-choice advocates. That’s a guy on your own team letting the truth slip. The question is, what are you going to do with that ghastly, undeniable reality?

I suggest you just ignore it. Pretend you don’t know and go back to shrieking about unborn babies not being people. Keep assuring yourself that you’re a good, decent human being. In short, lie to yourself. The truth is a horrible thing to behold.

As for me, when somebody says they’re a racist, I believe them. I’m not going to try and talk you out of it.

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2 Responses

  1. Counterproductive indeed. And aren’t they also the Party that says there are no actual boys and girls?

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